Today in the library, preschool shared several books about forest animals. Two of my favorites are Hello, Red Fox

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by Eric Carle, and Those Darn Squirrelsby Adam Rubin. In the first book, we have a charming give and take between Green Frog and his mother over the true colors of the animals. The students were eager to assign the proper colors to the animals in both English and FRENCH! It was exciting to seem them make this connection. In the second book, we meet a crotchety old man who makes several attempts to rid his beloved birdfeeders from the local pesky squirrels. The students enjoyed the whimsical illustrations by Brooklyn artist, Daniel Salmieri.

We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Please remember to stop by the BCD Book Sale the first week in December to pick up some favorites for gifts, as well as some new titles to explore!