The last day of the 2017-2018 school year is Friday, June 8, and it will be a half-day.  Our End-of-the-year Assembly will be held at 11:00 a.m. in Fitzpatrick Hall, and everyone is invited.  This is our last gathering as a whole school for the year.  Immediately following the End-of-the-year Assembly, the annual Family Picnic (each family packs their own picnic) will begin on the playground.  If your child(ren) will ride the bus that day, they’ll need a lunch, and please note that buses will depart at 1:00 p.m.

As I have shared in the past, it has always been my experience that the end of a school year is a time when children of all ages (that means parents and teachers, too!) may experience and express mixed feelings.  While we think about the accomplishments and learning experiences during the past year(s) and eagerly anticipate summer vacation, the end of a school year can be a time when some children may feel sad and uncertain about the future.  Saying farewell to friends, ending a relationship with a special teacher, and moving on to a new class, middle or upper school, or a new school can provoke feelings of loss and letting go.  It is important to check in and speak with your children during these times.  It is most helpful to acknowledge and affirm their feelings and to discuss ways to express their thoughts about others during this period of transition.

And, as another wonderful school year at BCD nears completion, I would like to re-express my sincere gratitude for the hard work and dedication of Melissa Kruse.  She greets all of us each day with a warm smile, eager to help, and always willing to support the children.  The children really like and trust her, and that’s not because she has small box of stickers on her desk.  She assists with coordinating events, producing mailings, tracking attendance, and attending to injuries – not to mention the countless ways she has made my work go more smoothly for many years.  Everything runs easily as the result of her considerate care for our community members and attention to each one of us and innumerable details.  We have had a fabulous year at Berkshire Country Day School, and I believe she has been an essential piece of that success.

I remain grateful for the many ways that parents participated in the life of the school during the past year, and it was especially meaningful to observe so many new parents getting involved. Everyone enhances the quality and spirit of our community and our work here at school.

Warm regards,
