These weeks are full of seasonal activity, both Halloween and Thanksgiving!

Looking forward:  On Tuesday, Kindergarten makes its annual trip to the Dakota.  There we’ll  have a program tailored to this age group, and get to see their incredible collection of Native American art and artifacts.  These items (much of it on loan from the Andy Warhol collection) includes pottery, baskets, a white leather beaded wedding dress, weapons, a birchbark canoe and more.

On Thursday, we’ll have our Friendship Lunch with PreK.  This is always a fun time, as the kindergartners and the Preschool children make preparations together.

Please send in one bunch of celery on Monday, Nov. 21.  Kindergarten will chop it and it will go into our glorious Thanksgiving Soup!  Please remember that school lets out for Thanksgiving break at 1:00 on Tuesday, Nov. 22.

 On Friday, 11/18, at 6:30 p.m., the PA is sponsoring Movie Night.  “Legends of the Guardian” is a terrific movie.  However, please note that it is rated PG, and may be scary for your five and six year olds.  The author of the book,  Kathryn Lasky, is also offering a talk the next day, Saturday, 11/19 at 10:00 am.


Looking backward:  We went to the Middle School Poetry Assembly.  The fourth, fifth, and sixth graders did a terific job.  We also saw the Third Grade play – hats off to all those wonderful actors!  We enjoyed both performances tremendously.

The Pumpkin Fairy visited us a few weeks ago.  She even came in the snow – what dedication!  We followed her to a field sprinkled with small pumpkins.  Magic!

Here is a link to a video of  the class (minus one absent student) performing one of our favorite Halloween poems, Spider Soup, written by Pam Pfeiffer.




And then of course, there was Halloween!  We paraded with Lower School and had a terrific class party upon our return.   Thank you to everyone who sent in food or drinks or craft supplies or were able to be there with us on Halloween itself.  We had so much fun!