Greetings and congratulations to the First Grade who recently celebrated a milestone in French class.  As you may know, there is a paper apple tree hanging in the French classroom.  Every time the children worked together during the Fall, they earned an “apple” for the tree.  Recently, they earned the 33rd apple and enjoyed an apple crisp party with Miss Milani, Mrs. D.P. and Ms. Rossie.  At the start of our celebration, the children recited the poems that they know and sang so sweetly.   Some of the performance is available for viewing here.  Then we all sat down and enjoyed apple crisp with whipped cream!  Many of the children asked for the recipe which I will post soon.

We have now begun a new unit on the colors in French.  The children are coloring in their French notebooks or “cahiers.”  More on that soon and on the other activities that we will begin after Winter Break.  Stay tuned!

Mme Downes