Sue Benner
8th Grade Advisor

Joined Berkshire Country Day School in 1992
B.A., Biology, Carleton College
M.S., Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh

You will rarely find Susan Benner standing still, whether in the classroom or beyond the BCD campus. This love of activity is also what makes her passionate about the subjects she teaches. “Science is logical, beautiful, and fun—and incredibly active!” she enthusiastically gushes.

Susan brings this energy to her classes, appreciating the independence she has to design lessons that engage students. Her interest in microbiology is evident, as over the years she has taught microbiology at both Sacred Heart University and Fairfield University, and has run microbiology labs at Butler Hospital and Bridgeport Hospital. Susan is a member of the Berkshire Environmental Educators Network (BEEN), is also the coordinator of the Grade 8 Everglades trip, and previously directed the School’s athletic program. She stays involved in many different sports, including skating and tennis, and plays the piano.