Rowan Dickens
Pre-K Aide, 3 through 5 Science and Kindergarten ASL.

Joined Berkshire Country Day School in 2020
Northeastern University in 2019, B.S. in Math, minor in  Biology

Between after-school programs, summer camps, and the classroom, Rowan has been working with kids in an educational setting for six years. “I love this job because every day I learn from my students as much as I teach”. They believe all students have something to bring to the classroom. “Learning is a collaboration!”  They work with each student to find their own learning style and to have fun with it at the same time. When Rowan is not teaching, they are hiking, creating, or playing games with friends. Rowan’s art consists primarily of polymer clay earrings and paintings. They enjoy reading fantasy of all sorts– currently, they are devouring the Abhorsen Chronicles by Garth Nix.