Holly Hunter
Email: hhunter@berkshirecountryday.org
Brook Farm Preschool Division Director
Joined BCD in 2021
Elms College Early Childhood Education
Theater Arts degree
After almost 6 years of running a home-based daycare and preschool based on the Reggio Emilia model, Holly is thrilled to be apart of the BCD team. She grew up in the Berkshires and looks forward to teaching our youngest learners to love our beautiful natural world, the endless worlds they can visit through books, and to love asking questions and discovering.
Holly says her eyes are opened to the possibilities within each young person and their infinite potential if nurtured and supported. She wants to create the space your child needs to thrive: trust, safety, joy, and curiosity will be fostered daily. “Toddlers are small, but mighty! Life-long-learners in the making!”