Garlic Mustard is an invasive plant that can quickly invade and dominate American forests.  Infestations of garlic mustard displace native plants and out competes tree seedlings – which can affect forest regeneration over time.  The presence of the weed also alters habitat quality for birds, salamanders and butterflies.  It can choke out native spring beauties like trilliums and trout lilies.

Today the Second Graders got to work defending our BCD soil and happily spent 30 minutes yanking the weeds out by their roots with gleeful voraciousness.   

















































If your child would have fun doing this consider going to the following: (Info taken from a local list serve.)

Garlic Mustard Grapple
Saturday, May 15
9:30-12:00 or 1:30-3:30
Steven’s Glen Recreational Area
West Stockbridge

Join us for the morning or afternoon for some easy weeding! Garlic mustard is a non-native species that competes against our native wildflowers and sapling trees. By volunteering a few hours of your time, you can help restore the natural habitat at Stevens Glen. Learn how to identify and eradicate an invasive plant that may exist on your property!

Morning refreshments, delicious garlic mustard snacks, goodie bags, and raffle prizes will be awarded. An afternoon hike will occur during the lunch hour, and will involve a 1.2 mile walk to a beautiful gorge cut by cascading falls.

This event will be hosted by the Berkshire Natural Resources Council and Student Conservation Association. For more information or directions, visit, find us on Facebook, or check out our flyer!

Contact Emily at 413-499-0596 or

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