
Kindergarten Visits Ghana

Today in the library, students focused on Ghana, a small West African nation. We looked at pictures, viewed the flag, and learned that the word “ghana” means “warrior king” and was the title of the ancient empire which was actually called Wagadugu. Storytelling is an integral part of daily life in Ghana, and the Ananse tales are loved by Ghanians of all ages. We shared the story, Ananse and the Impossible Quest, along with beautiful pictures of embroidered folk art from the book African Tales: A Barefoot Collection, by Geina Mhlophe and Rachel Griffin. We also chuckled at a humorous West African version of Little Red Riding Hood by Niki Daly: Pretty Salma. Students noticed many similarities and differences between this version and the familiar one. We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy Reading!

By |2016-10-25T15:04:12-04:00September 25th, 2012|

Kindergarten Explores Diversity

This week in the library, Kindergarten explored the theme of diversity. We learned about what the word ‘heritage’ means, and discussed how everyone has one. Our book, “We All Have a Heritage” by Sandy Kolman, artfully weaved the cultural aspects of language, clothing, music and other traditions with the singular message that learning about our differences enables us to better respect each other. We then decorated wooden puppet heads as self-portraits, and played the Responsive Classroom game, Common Ground. This activity allowed us to make some observations about our puppet heads, namely how we are alike and how we are different. The students concluded with book browsing and checkout.

Please remember to bring your library books back on library days. Happy Reading!

By |2012-09-20T12:19:25-04:00September 20th, 2012|

What a great week!

Our first full week had some wonderful events!  The children walked into the classroom today to discover that the first of our monarch butterflies had hatched last night!  We fed the butterfly sugar water, and watched as the butterfly stretched her wings and practiced flying inside the butterfly pavilion.  We decided to release the butterfly at the end of school today, since there’s a long weekend coming up and we were pretty sure the butterfly was ready to begin her trip to Mexico.  Buen viaje, little mariposa!

Happy travelers!

Yesterday we went on our first field trip to Magic Wings.  The children were entranced when they walked into a room with over 4000 butterflies flying above us!  Highlights included seeing the Blue Morpho butterfly and the glass wing butterfly (yes, their wings really are transparent!)  The conservatory also housed button quail, three parrots, large karp, and several lizards.  After our tour we enjoyed an outdoor lunch before heading home.  Many thanks to our parent drivers and chaperones, Elizabeth Powell, Terri Sash, and Courtney McDonnell.  It was a wonderful trip.



















In the blue folders today you’ll see your child’s very first kindergarten Weekend News.  These writings will show great growth as, over the course of this year, the children begin to add what they learn in class –  vowels, lowercase letters, word spacing, and punctuation.   Enjoy and celebrate these early efforts, and look forward to Weekend News happening every time we’re in school on a Monday.

We talked a little about the coming holiday on Monday and about how different families celebrate different holidays.  I read Sammy Spider’s First Rosh Hashanah by Sylvia Rouss to the class.  At its conclusion, we dipped apples in honey together as we wished each other a sweet school year!  As the year goes on, I invite any parents who would like to share a particular holiday or custom to let me know, and we can set it up.

Happy New Year, happy school year, and have a great weekend!


By |2016-10-25T15:04:14-04:00September 14th, 2012|

Welcome to a brand -new year!


Kindergarten is off to a fabulous beginning!  We’ve had a wonderful six days together.  There’s been lots of excitement surrounding each day – in addition to our classroom activities, the children have already had Art, Music, French,Science, Library, and Gym.  We’ve been extremely busy in the classroom as well.  We’ve had Guided Discoveries of blocks, pattern blocks and crayons,  made wonderful first-day drawings and self-portraits (these are displayed on our bulletin board), made clothespin caterpillars, began learning several poems and chants, and worked with pattern blocks.  We’re starting to get to know one another through Morning Meeting, play time and meal time.  Last week we took a walk on Mike’s Trail with all of Lower School and enjoyed a cookout picnic lunch on Friday.  Through our actions and activities this week, we are beginning to create the classroom community that will be our home base this year.


The children have begun their Butterfly Life Cycle posters.  Last week they completed the caterpillar stage.  We put the caterpillars on the table on milkweed, watched them crawl around, and drew what we saw.  Today we carefully took down the butterfly pavilion, so the children could draw the chrysalis from real life.  We now have all five caterpillars in chrysalis form, and hope to see the butterflies in another week or so.  It’s pretty exciting!


We’ll be taking our first field trip this coming Thursday, Sept. 13, to Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory.  Check your email in the next few days for details about that trip.  The children are very excited to go!

We ended our week with a great assembly on birds of prey.  (Coincidentally, we started learning The Eagle by Alfred, Lord Tennyson two days ago – perfect timing!)  We saw a kestrel, a turkey vulture, a Great Horned owl and a screech owl, a peregrine falcone, a golden eagle, and a red-tailed hawk.  It was an amazing presentation!

We had our first fire drill today as well.  The children did an excellent job lining up quietly, walking to the berm, and listening for instructions.

We’ve started reading a chapter book at rest time.  Charlotte’s Web is a big hit so far!

And that sums it up for now.  It’s been a terrific week with terrific children!

Enjoy the weekend –


By |2016-10-25T15:04:14-04:00September 7th, 2012|
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