
So much fun!

These weeks have been filled with special events!  Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day, Alaska Day, the 100th

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Day of School, Pajama Day … You may wonder if work simply gets put on hold on those days, but the contrary is true.  It’s easy to weave Language Arts and Math activities into our special events.  For example, Valentine’s Day begins with the class practicing their reading skills as they deliver valentines to each other.  Then they have a chance to read the Valentines themselves.  Paper hearts, numbered by fives to 100, were hidden around the room and the children had a great time finding them and putting them in order.  More math was practiced later in the day as the children created necklaces, challenging themselves with different kinds of patterns.  Writing skills were practiced in a piece called “Love Is…” and we listened to poetry especially written for Valentine’s Day.

Reading valentines



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Making patterned necklaces








Reading to each other


At the Message Board











The 100th Day of School included a lot of math activities.  We played with numbers all day long:  searching for 100 hearts and putting them in order, again counting by fives and by tens to 100, making beaded necklaces of 100 beads using 10 different colors of 10 beads each, counting out 100 small edible items for snack.  The children each did a writing entitled What I will be like when I am 100 Years Old – great fun for the imagination and another way to practice those writing skills!  We learned what a Googol (the number 1 followed by 100 zeroes) is and then wrote it.  We learned a little about percentages, as each child colored a figure that represented their own interest in our subjects at school.  Many of these papers are up on the bulletin boards – please take a look!

We’ve started out new unit – the ocean – and we’ll be going to the Berkshire Museum this Tuesday, to visit their Aquarium.  This is a popular unit with a lot of great projects.  You will see more of them in the weeks to come.

I look forward to seeing all of you at Parent-Teacher conferences next Thursday and Friday.  If there are particular things you would like to focus on, please feel free to send me an email over the next couple of days.

Thank you to our parents for the last two Lunch Bunches – they were equally delicious and the class enjoys them so much!

Our next few weeks will continue to be busy – and lots of fun!


By |2016-10-25T15:03:55-04:00March 2nd, 2013|

A Visit from the Snow Country Prince

Preschool and Kindergarten students recently shared a wonderful Buddhist inspired story by Japanese educator and peacebuilder, Daisaku Ikeda. The Snow Country Prince

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is a simple tale about hope and compassion. According to the author’s website, “The Snow Country Prince relates the story of a young boy and his sister in a fishing village in the snow country who care for an injured swan through the harsh winter, while their sick father is being treated at a distant hospital. The Snow Country Prince visits the children and teaches them that whatever happens, they must never give up, never stop trying. Through patiently caring for the swan, the children awaken their compassionate spirit as well as a strong hope for their father’s recovery. As the swan regains its strength, the children record its progress in drawings to encourage their father in the hospital. He, too, recovers and the family is finally reunited at the end of the long winter.” With beautiful illustrations by Brian Wildsmith, The Snow Country Prince is a story that appeals to children and adults of all ages. We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy Reading!

By |2016-10-25T15:03:56-04:00February 19th, 2013|

Caldecott: What Does That Gold Sticker Mean?

Today in the library, in honor of this weeks new’ Caldecott book awards, we checked out some of the BCD library’s favorite Caldecott winners. Students learned that the Caldecott Medal was named in honor of nineteenth-century English illustrator Randolph Caldecott. It is awarded each year by the Association for Library Service to Children to a distinguished picture book author. We shared two of my favorite Caldecott winners today: Jumanji by Chris Van Allsburg, an adventure story that is action-packed and full of surprises, and Kevin Henkes, Kitten’s First Full Moon, a charmingly expressive story about a cat who mistakes the moon for a bowl of milk. We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy Reading!

By |2013-08-01T08:40:30-04:00January 29th, 2013|

Happy New Year!

January is great!  It often feels like a brand new year has begun – the children return rested and happy (and noticeably taller!)  But, unlike September, we already know each other well and we can quickly return to our established routines and rhythms.

Our new unit of study is Penguins in the Antarctic with a particular focus on Emperor and Adelie penguins.  Our classroom library has many books that teach about their unusual habitat.  We also will have several adorable projects to accompany this, so make sure to keep an eye on our bulletin boards over the next few weeks.

Writing Workshop continues to be a big hit with the children.  They are developing perseverance and a great work ethic.  Each day they can’t wait to begin writing (if fact, if my mini-lesson goes on too long, their hands go up with the question, “Can we start now??”)  I enjoy seeing their enthusiasm and their skills grow simultaneously!

Working together during Writing Workshop!

We celebrated Sam’s school birthday last week.  Sam’s parents were able to join us in the classroom.  The class had a great time listening to a book about super heroes.  Afterwards there was delicious cake to share.  Thank you, Terri and David, for making Sam’s birthday a happy one!

We had a special treat this week.  Gabrielle’s dad, Paul, was a professional musician earlier in his career and a few days ago he came to the classroom to play recorder for us (actually, he played three recorders for us – soprano, alto, and a tiny sopranino!)  He is an excellent musician and the children were mesmerized!  Thank you, Paul, for sharing your talent with us.










In closing, we’ve spent good time this week learning about the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., and other courageous people – Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges – of the 1960’s.  Today we read Martin’s Big Words by Doreen Rappaport.  Based on the book, each child had their own “Big Words” to say:

Don’t fight.  Love People.  Treat people the way you want to be treated.  Ben

I want no violence.  Bronly

I don’t want any wars.  Elias

I want love all around the world.  Everett

I have a dream that one day all the hunters will agree that hunting rhinos is not fair.  Gabi

I want no more guns.  Henry

I hope for peace and I want to do a speech.  Jacob

I wish Martin was never put in jail.  I want no war.  Max

Wish.  Happy.  Love.  Money.  Hope.  I have a dream.  Sam


Powerful words from small people!  Have a great weekend.


By |2016-10-25T15:03:58-04:00January 18th, 2013|
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