This Bittersweet Time of Year…
How this year flew by! Looking at the children today, I can vividly recall classroom life back in September and am so delighted with what I see in front of me now. So much of their growth can be seen tangibly: there’s a whole raft of independent writers, most everyone has learned to zip their jackets, scribblers now make detailed representational drawings, and everyone’s counting skills have improved dramatically. Less visible, but no less impressive, is their emotional growth and maturity. We have had many discussions on surprisingly deep topics. They have twenty or more poems solidly memorized – beautiful and elegant words that now live inside them. They ask to hear Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony at lunch, and never tire of listening. They celebrate each other’s achievements and offer each other support in sad times. These children care for one another, and they’ve learned to take care of each other as well – a truly compassionate group.
Here are photos of some recent classroom highlights: Mme. Daire brought her 8th
grade French students over to read stories they had written. Especially fun for me was to see former Kindergartners Anje, Aurora, Chase, and Keely reading to this current class!
We make number sentences all sorts of different ways. These are interlocking tiles.
We’ve practiced cutting with scissors all year. Look at those fancy mustaches!
Rainbow Day was fun too!
Writing continues to be a popular activity. Lately the children have been writing books together, and then sharing them aloud with the class.
Can this really be the last blog?? I’ve had such a fabulous year with your children. I wish all a wonderful and restful summer, and look forward to seeing you again in the fall!