The library was filled with dragons today as we enjoyed two favorite books that featured scales and fire. Good Night, Good Knight by Shelley Moore Thomas, weaves the tale of a good-natured knight who befriends three little dragons. Unlike their fire-breathing cousins, these dragons demand good night kisses, bedtime stories and drinks of water, as well as to be tucked in at night. The good knight is able to put aside his ideas of what dragons should be in order to help these little dragons who live in a deep, dark cave all by themselves. With pictures by Jennifer Plecas, this humorous book reminds us not to judge by appearances. In our second story, The Popcorn Dragon
, by Jane Tayer, Dexter the dragon alienates his friends by his constant boasting that he can breathe fire. It is only when he realizes that he can pop corn with his fiery breath, and share the popcorn with the other animals, that he is able to repair his friendship. This is a book about second chances, forgiveness and striking the balance between being boastful about your talents, and embracing them. We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy Reading!