
Kindergarten News – Winter, at long last!

January is a great month.  It’s so clear to me when the children return from winter vacation that there has been so much growth since September.  Not only are their bodies bigger, their attention span is longer, and their interest in learning is keener. We started right away with lots of math, using our bodies to learn comparing terms (taller, shorter, longer, etc.) and learning  placement (in front of, behind,  next to, etc.).  We continue to practice writing numerals, but now on L-O-N-G sheets of paper (some of the older students have gotten to 100, but everyone is making great progress!).  We’re also practicing ordering objects by size and shape.

Part of a curriculum that we share with PK-3rd grade falls under the umbrella of Citizenship, one of BCD’s core values.  For this age group, it’s broken down into what I call the three c’s – Cooperation, Courage, and Compassion.  Upon our return from vacation, we spent a good deal of time talking about cooperation – what it meant, what it looked like both at home and in the classroom, and using words that support cooperation.  With the MLK holiday, we’ve now shifted the emphasis to courage, focusing on the important work of Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as the contributions of Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges. Gandhi’s name came up during one discussion, and the next day, Neha brought in a book from home so we could learn more about the importance of his life and work as well.  Understanding words like prejudice, segregation, integration, and non-violence have been a large part of our discussions.  There are many excellent books geared for this age group: This Is the Dream  by Diane Shore and Jessica Alexander and Martin’s Big Words by Doreen Rapport. Based on the latter book, one discussion led into a writing project in which each child had a change to express their own “Big Words” (their ideas on what’s important to them).  At one point, I asked the children move in three contrasting ways: first, as if they were totally powerful and just knew that they were better than everyone else. Second: to move as if they had no power in the world, and had to listen to everyone else all the time. Last, to move as though they had the ability to change the world for the better, by getting rid of all the bad laws and making the world a more fair place for everyone.  I wish you could have seen this.  The first request had lots of strutting and giggling and bravado.  The second time, everyone’s posture immediately drooped. Shoulders became hunched and it got markedly quiet in the room.  The third, though, was the best – the children carried themselves purposefully, truly conveying the sense that they could make things better. It was remarkable. Small children plus big ideas made for some powerful learning experiences this week.

In Language Arts, we’ve been contrasting two versions of The Mitten – one by Jan Brett and the other by Alvin Tressault. The class “sewed” together large mittens of their own and colored the animals.  We’ve practiced initial consonant sounds and retold the story, practicing getting the animals in the correct order.  Our final activity will be to create a Venn diagram that compares the two versions.  At rest time, our chapter book is Lulu and the Brontosaurus

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by Judith Viorst.  The kids have enjoyed this book so much (Lulu is a very sassy protagonist!) that I’ve gone ahead and ordered the next one in the series to read once this one is concluded.

We had a Lunch Bunch this week – delicious homemade chicken soup with rice (which was prefaced with a reading of the Maurie Sendak version), French bread, cheese, fresh berries, and cookies.  Thank you, Vanessa and Ronan, for a wonderful meal.  It was enjoyed by all!

We ended this week with a celebration of my birthday.  Everyone looked splendid in their black and white clothes!  The children wrote me a delightful book of birthday wishes, and everyone enjoyed black-and-white cake as a special treat.


Say Moo!

So, that’s life in Kindergarten!


By |2016-10-25T15:02:19-04:00January 24th, 2016|

OPEN STUDIOS is next Tuesday!

Our K-9 students have been as busy as ever in the Art Studios this winter! Grades 5 and 6 have been hand building with Mr. Evans in the Ceramics Studio while Mr. Spitzer has Kindergarten through Fourth grade students working on a variety of collaborative drawing and painting projects next door. Upper School students are sculpting in clay with Mr. Evans and painting with this trimester’s teaching artists Tom O’Neil and Maggie Mailer. We can’t wait to show parents, friends, and the BCD community what we’ve been up to on TUESDAY, MARCH 1st at our Winter Open Studios Event! Everyone is invited to swing by the studios between 4:30 – 6:30PM to see finished artworks, works-in-progress, and a few surprises. Warm up with a cup of hot cocoa and join us in celebrating the students’ hard work this trimester!


By |2016-10-25T15:02:20-04:00January 22nd, 2016|

Welcome back to school!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a happy and relaxing vacation. And whatever your holiday customs, I hope that they were filled with family, friends, and fun!

We’ve had two birthdays since I last wrote. Vivienne turned five on Dec. 4. Joining Vivienne in the classroom were her parents and grandparents. We heard two of her favorite stories, Madeline’s Rescue by Ludwig Bemelmans and Llama, Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdney. At the end we shared lovely fruit tarts and French macarons – tres jolie et delicieux! Aidan’s birthday followed just a few days later, on Dec. 7. His mom came and read If I Built a Car by Chris Van Dusen and Duck Soup by Jackie Urbanovic. At the end of lunch, we shared yummy cupcakes. The class enjoyed hearing all these books (and eating all the treats!)



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December was a short school month, but it was jam-packed with activities. We learned about the many holidays where lights play a prominent role – Diwali, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, and Christmas. For many of these we made corresponding craft projects. We were also very busy making some special (and surprise!) gifts. We hope you liked them!

In the last weeks before vacation, we had a great Lunch Bunch, thanks to Aidan’s family. We also enjoyed a great Music Concert and loved seeing the Mummer’s Plays, presented by the eighth grade. We said “goodbye” to our 9th grade mentors, but look forward to meeting with a new group of students this week. Another change: French with Mlle. Barlow will turn to Spanish with Sra. Velez for the remainder of the year.  And Ski Fridays will begin (I am optimistic!).  Details will come home this week.

Mummer's Play

Mummer’s Play

It’s great to be back!


By |2016-10-25T15:02:21-04:00January 3rd, 2016|

November in Kindergarten!

So much to report!

We’ve spent a good deal of time this month learning about the Wampanoag tribe that lived in this area, and also about the Pilgrims and why they left England to come to America. We’ve read many books about the history of this holiday, and each child has written about things they’re thankful for. These are hanging on our bulletin board. We’ve spent time talking about how different life was then, with no stores to buy food, furniture, or clothing. Weaving fabric and blankets was one way that people created things they needed. In the classroom we have a large freestanding loom, and each child has had the opportunity to weave sections of it. This also reinforces AB patterning. We will continue to do more weaving next month as well, as it remains a popular activity!

In math, the children have now completed their Patten Books. (These will come home after Thanksgiving.) In addition, we’ve completed numeral formation. When we return from Thanksgiving break, I’ll be asking each child to work on writing, and then memorizing, their phone number. Please let me know the preferred number you’d like your child to learn. Thanks!

Our Friendship Lunch was a big success. We got together with PreK the day before and made cornbread, homemade butter, and placemats. On the day itself, all enjoyed some variation of spaghetti, butter, meatballs, tomato sauce, and parmesan cheese. We had carrot and cucumber sticks to dip into ranch dressing, and cider to drink. We ended the meal with chocolate cupcakes with strawberry cream frosting. A huge thank you to Milana for pitching in and providing extra help on a very busy day. It was a lovely event shared with our PreK friends!


Before the meal…


and during it!

We’ve had another birthday! Sascha turned six last week. His mom, Laura, joined us and read a wonderful Russell Hoban book entitled Harvey’s Secret Hideout. At lunch we shared yummy cupcakes. Thank you, Laura, for helping to make Sascha’s birthday so special!


Happy Birthday, Sascha!

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Happy Birthday, Sascha!

We also had a wonderfully sophisticated Lunch Bunch this month! All enjoyed grilled chicken breasts marinated in miso paste and soy sauce, stir-fried vegetables with banno sauce, brown rice, fruit salad, and apple caramel pie for dessert. Thank you, Milana and Vivienne, for providing such a delicious meal!

Thanksgiving Soup was a wonderful school-wide event, filled with good food and the warmth of students, staff, faculty, and alumni. In that spirit, I wish you all a happy and delicious Thanksgiving!


By |2016-10-25T15:02:22-04:00November 23rd, 2015|
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