Grade 8


Due to some begging from the Upper School students, we will revive the Dodgeball Tournament this year.  This is an optional event which takes place during recess and consists of teams made up by the students.  A few requirements:  one male or female for the six person team.  Students from all grades, two allowed from the same grade, optional: teachers can play.  Some famous names from the past winners include:  Dominating Taters, BCD Exterminators, Team America, What You Talking About Willis.

By |2016-10-25T15:03:57-04:00February 12th, 2013|

Branding assignment

Students imagined a product and its attributes. From there they created a logo considering the possible audience to whom this product would appeal. The next assignment was to design a business card. From there they designed an ad, and then a package. In these online displays you will see the three items: business card, ad, and package. On display in the Graphic Arts Lab are the three dimensional models they made of the package.
























By |2019-01-10T12:41:42-05:00January 18th, 2013|

Branding Assignments

Over the last few weeks, students have been challenged to create a business card, an ad, and packaging for a company they imagined employed them to do branding for a product. The product they created was of less importance than the overall complexity of the design assignment. The integrity of the company logo and “look” as it was displayed in different media had to hold together and be recognizable. Students had to consider carefully what message they wanted to communicate through the choice of font, color, lay-out, and other design principles they have been practicing. Each little piece of information could make or break the important communication for their customer. Take a look at some of the solutions.













By |2019-01-10T12:44:07-05:00January 30th, 2012|
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