Grade 6

5th Grade Visits Mass MoCA

Last week, 5th Grade students had an opportunity to get up close and personal with artworks by world-renown artists at Mass MoCA. In conjunction with our study of installation art, a guided tour focused on site-specific works by Francesco Clemente, Jim Shaw, and Clifford Ross. From Indian tents to failing superheros, to a 100 foot photograph, students participated in an active viewing experience that called for critical thinking, aesthetic interpretation, and personal reflection. Following the tour, the class had an art-making session in the museum’s Kidspace studio where visual prompts from the Jim Shaw exhibition allowed students to create their own narrative comic strips. Special thanks to Dr. Lederman and Debbie Jaferian for joining us on the adventure!

Back at BCD, the class is working on a collaborative installation of their own. Students wrapped over 200 paper cups in plaster strips that, when dried, yielded cup-like forms which were then dipped in purple, green, and blue paint. This week, the 5th Grade will work together to install the pieces in a space in the school. Stay tuned to see the final installation!



By |2016-10-25T15:02:28-04:00November 1st, 2015|

The Sixth Grade Students Who Went up a Hill but Came down a Mountain

What a day! We climbed Mount Cube just over the border in New Hampshire and ate our lunch in the sunshine as we gazed upon amazing views in all directions. The entire trip took about five hours, and boy are we tired! The campfire planned for this evening is just the thing we need to relax. Tomorrow, we head for home with memories of great adventures and strategies for success throughout the year to come. Thank you, Hulbert!

Hulbert '15 Day Three

By |2016-10-25T15:02:29-04:00October 15th, 2015|

The Sixth Grade Heads into the Woods…

Up at the break of dawn, the Sixth Grade started off our second day at Hulbert by preparing breakfast in the dining hall. Then, we made our way into the woods where we learned to build a campfire and a shelter made of fallen tree branches. Afterwards, we walked down to the shore of Lake Morey to fire arrows into straw targets. We then enjoyed a lunch of soup and sandwiches before heading up to the ropes course. We had a fantastic time climbing, balancing, leaping, and zip-lining our way through the trees!  We’re about to settle down for our evening meal, then it’s off to enjoy new games in the old barn. What a day! Scroll through the slideshow below to catch a glimpse of our adventures.

Hulbert '15 Day Two

By |2016-10-25T15:02:30-04:00October 14th, 2015|

Save the Date for OPEN STUDIOS!

Join us on Thursday, October 29th from 4:30-6:30 PM upstairs in Furey Hall for our fall OPEN STUDIOS event! See finished artwork  and works-in-progress by Kindergarten through Ninth Grade students. Faculty and students will be present to guide parents, friends, and families through the studio spaces where live demonstrations and activities will be happening. A seasonal refreshment will be served.

fall open studios1

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By |2016-10-25T15:02:30-04:00October 14th, 2015|
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