Grade 6

"Plastic Fantastic" and other sitings at Mass MoCA!

Last week the 5th and 6th Grade classes, along with Mr. Spitzer and Ms. Sicurella, spent the afternoon among large-scale contemporary art at Mass MoCA in North Adams, MA. In conjunction with their current studies in the Drawing & Painting studio, students spent time with the work of Sol Lewitt, experiencing his early, mid-career, and recent works throughout three floors of the museum. Highlights of the trip included the immersive installations of Lee Boroson featured in his “Plastic Fantastic” exhibition. Among our favorites, Deep Current (2014), a kinetic sculpture/machine that produces a ‘waterfall’ of ping-pong balls. Eclipse (2014), a stunning video installation by artists Sayler/Morris with Elizabeth Kolbert also caught our attention. This projected image of a tree gaining and losing its leaves (in the form of birds) examines species extinction through the passenger pigeon, whose once-massive population disappeared 100 years ago.

We also had the opportunity to explore the Kidspace exhibition, It’s Only Human featuring the work of Nick Veasey and Marilene Oliver who both use state-of-the-art medical imaging technology and x-rays to explore humans from the inside-out. We ended our visit with a hands-on art-making activity related to themes of this show.


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By |2016-10-25T15:02:48-04:00January 25th, 2015|

Cross Country Ski

We will continue cross country skiing as the weather permits.

Please (!!!!!) send your children to school with proper clothing to be outdoors.

Grade 4 – Tuesday
Grade 5 – Tuesday and Wednesday
Grade 6 – Monday and Thursday

Thank you,
Mrs. Heady

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By |2015-01-22T14:23:31-05:00January 22nd, 2015|

Cross Country Skiing Next Week January 19 – January 22 In Physical Education

Grade 4:  Cross country skiing in physical education class on Tuesday, January 20, weather permitting.  We have the equipment, you need to remember snowpants or long underwear, jacket, hat and gloves or mittens. We change in the “ski hut” and head out on the back fields. It has been a lot of fun in the past, so I am looking forward to this great break from being in the gym!

Grade 5:  We will cross country ski on two days, Tuesday, January 20 and Wednesday, January 21. Some of you may snow shoe as long as you have hiking boots or snow boots to strap the snowshoes onto. Dress to be outside with snowpants, jackets, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

Grade 6:  Thursday, January 22, will be your day that you will go out to cross country ski. Dress to be outside!!!!!  Snowpants, jacket, hat and gloves or mittens.

If the conditions allow us to continue to ski the following week, we will go out again. I will alert you to our plans.

Thank you!

Mrs. Heady

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By |2016-10-25T15:02:49-04:00January 15th, 2015|

Grades 5 & 6 Field Trip 1/21/15

We have planned a joint field trip for Grades 5 & 6 to Mass MoCA on Wednesday, January 21st. Students will travel by bus to North Adams, departing BCD after snack at 10 AM and returning before 3PM dismissal. The group will be chaperoned by Ms. Sicurella and Mr. Spitzer.

Students will bring their lunches (preferably in a disposable bag/container) and will eat in the museum’s cafe area. Students may bring a small amount of money ($10 suggested) to purchase something from the gift shop if desired.

Lee Boroson: Plastic Fantastic 2014

Lee Boroson: “Plastic Fantastic”

This trip is offers a unique opportunity to see large-scale works by some of the world’s most renown contemporary artists. Our visit will begin with an exploration of the main galleries, where students will view works by Lee Boroson, Darren Waterson, Ann Hamilton, and Sayler/Morris with Elizabeth Kolbert among others. The group will then have a private tour of the Kidspace exhibition: It’s Only Human, featuring the art of Nick Veasey and Marilene Oliver followed by a hands-on art making experience.

Kidspace: It’s Only Human

Please feel free to contact me directly at or at 518-728-9256 if you have any questions.

We are looking forward to a fun and inspiring trip!


By |2016-10-25T15:02:50-04:00January 12th, 2015|
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