Grade 5

Day Two Nature’s Classroom

On the morning of day two, we awoke to the salty aroma of the shore. The sun was coming out already as we hiked over to the dining hall for a delicious breakfast of waffles, sausage, cereal, bagels, yogurt, fruit…did I mention sausage? It would be an understatement by their vegetarian teacher to say this group LOVES pork. I hear there is bacon for breakfast tomorrow and I will be getting out of the way FAST. Following breakfast, the group headed out to the docks for crabbing. In the pictures below, you can see spider crabs, green crabs and one other kind whose name eludes me…with a red bottom. The kids had a great time baiting their hooks with hotdogs and trying to determine the gender and species of each unfortunate creature as it emerged, entangled in the nets.

Derek, the camp chef, has planned a classic camp lunch for our group–grilled cheese, soup and corn chips. I also sneaked a look into his big pot just now and predict tacos for dinner which, no doubt, will be a crowd pleaser. Following lunch, we will head back out to the shore for some writing and reflection. The students have a choice of electives this afternoon–a geology exploration through volcanoes or learning about the effects of hurricanes through sand castle construction. Way better than studying dead Mesopotamian kings!

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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By |2016-10-25T15:03:04-04:00October 15th, 2014|

Welcome to Nature’s Classroom

Following a long, but uneventful bus ride (except for singing Happy Birthday to Anje at the Charlton rest stop – so loud you probably heard us!), we arrived at Nature’s Classroom. Point Judith Pond was bathed in the golden glow of the changing leaves. We unpacked the bus, settled into our cabins and had a delicious lunch of chicken tenders, fries, salad and fresh fruit. Our lunch waiters were Keely and Anje, and I have to say the service was impeccable! Right now, students are participating in their field group studies outside and later will be exploring their electives: porcupine potatoes or animal adaptations. Everyone is happy, healthy and having a great time. IMG_4591 IMG_4605 IMG_4606 IMG_4607 IMG_4608 IMG_4609 IMG_4610 IMG_4614 IMG_4615 IMG_4618 IMG_4619 IMG_4620  IMG_4622 IMG_4623 IMG_4624 IMG_4625 IMG_4626 IMG_4627 IMG_4628

By |2016-10-25T15:03:05-04:00October 14th, 2014|

Grade 5 Update

Dear Parents,

We are off to Nature’s Classroom this Tuesday. Please read through the packing list carefully. Warm and extra clothes are essential!

Students will be allowed to bring one electronic device (kindle or ipod/ipod mini). No ipads are allowed and no cell phones. These items will be used on the bus and then collected while we are at NC. Please be sure to send headphones. No instagram/snapchat/internet will be allowed during the trip. Please go over these rules with your child.

We are leaving BCD at 7:45. Please be sure to arrive at 7:30 so we can board the bus and have a chance to go to the bathroom (not in that order!). We will return on Friday at 3:30.

Academic Notes:

PTR projects are due on October 20. Please be sure your student has finished his/her book and is working on the project.

The History test will be on October 22. We have already started to review and will continue in class, but we have discussed that the students will be expected to study 30 minutes per night every night until the test (except when we are at NC). Please help your student make a plan to study, and be available to quiz him or her on the material.

Thank you!


By |2014-10-09T16:48:05-04:00October 9th, 2014|
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