Grade 5

January: New Beginnings in Fifth Grade

The new year has brought a myriad new endeavors in Grade Five.

In History, we have started to explore the Indus River Valley. In order to put the origins of Hinduism into context, we have looked at the geography of the region and how the Harappans may have come in contact with the Aryan invaders from Central Asia. This week we will be taking a closer look at the basic principles and practices of Hinduism. Students will be reflecting on Hindu life cycle customs by comparing them with their own family’s traditions in a writing assignment. We will also consider versions of The Ramayana‘s depiction of Rama and Sita, and enjoy an India-inspired lunch bunch.

In English, we concluded our unit on Linda Sue Park’s  A Single Shard. This novels focuses on the quest of an apprentice potter in 12th century Korea. In their reading journals, students responded to a variety of questions to practice inference from a text, close reading and supporting an opinion. Students began to learn about how to support a quote from a book by placing it in context, explaining the quote and then relating it to their lives. We will continue to develop this essential skill as we move to our next novel, The Bridge to Terabithia. 

In Writer’s Workshop

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we have moved on to our study of the Word Choice trait. We began by discussing what elements of language help to make text really stand out and convey maximal meaning. Students completed their first project by working in pairs with non-fiction texts. They practiced distinguishing between technical terms and evocative language to create posters for their texts. Currently, we are developing a short creative piece in which limitations are placed certain words they can use in an attempt to have them stretch and reach beyond the expected and mundane. Students are guided through the writing process of drafting, self-editing, peer-editing, revision and publishing.

Helpful Hints:

  • please remember to send a snack even when we have Pizza Friday.
  • Make-up ERB’s for our class will be on Tuesday during 6-7th period.
  • Lunch bunch this Tuesday.
  • Field Trip this Wednesday with Ms. Sicurella – bring a bagged lunch.
  • PTR projects are due Monday, February 9. Please remind your child to use the rubrics provided in the PTR packet.



By |2015-01-18T12:49:06-05:00January 18th, 2015|

Cross Country Skiing Next Week January 19 – January 22 In Physical Education

Grade 4:  Cross country skiing in physical education class on Tuesday, January 20, weather permitting.  We have the equipment, you need to remember snowpants or long underwear, jacket, hat and gloves or mittens. We change in the “ski hut” and head out on the back fields. It has been a lot of fun in the past, so I am looking forward to this great break from being in the gym!

Grade 5:  We will cross country ski on two days, Tuesday, January 20 and Wednesday, January 21. Some of you may snow shoe as long as you have hiking boots or snow boots to strap the snowshoes onto. Dress to be outside with snowpants, jackets, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

Grade 6:  Thursday, January 22, will be your day that you will go out to cross country ski. Dress to be outside!!!!!  Snowpants, jacket, hat and gloves or mittens.

If the conditions allow us to continue to ski the following week, we will go out again. I will alert you to our plans.

Thank you!

Mrs. Heady

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By |2016-10-25T15:02:49-04:00January 15th, 2015|

Grades 5 & 6 Field Trip 1/21/15

We have planned a joint field trip for Grades 5 & 6 to Mass MoCA on Wednesday, January 21st. Students will travel by bus to North Adams, departing BCD after snack at 10 AM and returning before 3PM dismissal. The group will be chaperoned by Ms. Sicurella and Mr. Spitzer.

Students will bring their lunches (preferably in a disposable bag/container) and will eat in the museum’s cafe area. Students may bring a small amount of money ($10 suggested) to purchase something from the gift shop if desired.

Lee Boroson: Plastic Fantastic 2014

Lee Boroson: “Plastic Fantastic”

This trip is offers a unique opportunity to see large-scale works by some of the world’s most renown contemporary artists. Our visit will begin with an exploration of the main galleries, where students will view works by Lee Boroson, Darren Waterson, Ann Hamilton, and Sayler/Morris with Elizabeth Kolbert among others. The group will then have a private tour of the Kidspace exhibition: It’s Only Human, featuring the art of Nick Veasey and Marilene Oliver followed by a hands-on art making experience.

Kidspace: It’s Only Human

Please feel free to contact me directly at or at 518-728-9256 if you have any questions.

We are looking forward to a fun and inspiring trip!


By |2016-10-25T15:02:50-04:00January 12th, 2015|

Exercise Equipment and “Are you stronger than a fifth grader?”

During the winter, we will have available on the Fitzpatrick stage, three exercise machines for all to use.  We currently have one rowing ergometer, and two nordic trak pieces.  They are facing  towards the window so you can look at calculations posted for correct workout intensity. The Upper School will be allowed to use them during recess time as long as they check in with the adult in the gym.  They may use music with ear buds.

Push ups:  7 to 15
Curl ups:  15 to 29
V Sit reach:  +1 inch to + 3 inches
One mile run:  9 to 11 minutes
We are a very fit class of fifth graders.  We challenge you to beat our average.

Lift a basketball over your head or a two pound weight to strengthen your core!!!!! Hold for one minute!

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By |2014-12-09T08:58:43-05:00December 9th, 2014|
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