Grade 5

Grade Five: Nature’s Classroom Day 3

Day Three at NC began with a huge game of predator/prey outside, followed by some quiet time sketching and catching jellyfishIMG_6170 IMG_6171 IMG_6173 IMG_6166   IMG_6169 IMG_6163 IMG_6164 IMG_6165 IMG_6204 IMG_6205 IMG_6206

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down at the beach. After our hearty lunch of hamburgers, assorted Frito-Lay favorites and salad, students went with their field groups to prepare for tonight’s entertainment, Thursday Night Live!. Each field group worked out a skit for this SNL inspired comedy show. Rumor has it that Will Farrell may even stop by as a guest star! Currently students are participating in electives ranging from Mad Science and improv, to dissections of skate and frogs. We plan to conclude the evening with a campfire (hopeful!) and group sing. Hopefully you’ve emptied out the washing machine as we will be returning to BCD with lots of wet and muddy treasures! See you tomorrow!



By |2016-10-25T15:02:29-04:00October 15th, 2015|

Grade Five Nature’s Classroom Day Two

Hello from Wakefield RI! We have had a jam-packed day from our early morning (why? why?) wakeup andIMG_6159 IMG_6156 IMG_6157 IMG_6158 IMG_6154 IMG_6155 IMG_6151 IMG_6152 IMG_6153 IMG_6147 IMG_6148 IMG_6149 IMG_6150 IMG_6144 IMG_6146 IMG_6138 IMG_6139 IMG_6140 IMG_6143 IMG_6136 IMG_6137 IMG_6131 IMG_6133 IMG_6134 IMG_6135 IMG_6127 IMG_6128 IMG_6129 IMG_6124 IMG_6125 IMG_6126 IMG_6121 IMG_6122 IMG_6123

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By |2016-10-25T15:02:30-04:00October 14th, 2015|

Save the Date for OPEN STUDIOS!

Join us on Thursday, October 29th from 4:30-6:30 PM upstairs in Furey Hall for our fall OPEN STUDIOS event! See finished artwork  and works-in-progress by Kindergarten through Ninth Grade students. Faculty and students will be present to guide parents, friends, and families through the studio spaces where live demonstrations and activities will be happening. A seasonal refreshment will be served.

fall open studios1

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By |2016-10-25T15:02:30-04:00October 14th, 2015|

DAY #1: Nature’s Classroom

IMG_6049 IMG_6058 IMG_6057 IMG_6061 IMG_6060 IMG_6059 IMG_6067 IMG_6065 IMG_6063 IMG_6062 IMG_6070 IMG_6069 IMG_6068 IMG_6072 IMG_6071 IMG_6078 IMG_6077 IMG_6076 IMG_6082 IMG_6081 IMG_6080 IMG_6079 IMG_6085 IMG_6084 IMG_6083 IMG_6089 IMG_6088 IMG_6087 IMG_6086 IMG_6091 IMG_6090Hello! Here is quick synopsis of our day so far as I dash off to go crabbing!

We arrived at Nature’s Classroom around 11:30 am following an exciting bus ride and scenic stop at the Charlton Rest Area. Students helped to unload the buses, and then visited their cabins for the week. The boys are staying in Aspen, while the girls own The Condo. Lunch was the crowd pleasing duo of chicken tenders and french fries. The students take turns being waiters here, and so the first group got to work.  At my table, we gave Max A. a huge tip for all the schlepping of french fries he needed to do for us! And yes, a few students did partake in salad as well. We are sharing the facility with the North Brookfield School this week, and while the BCD students will have their own field groups, we are combining for a large array of elective classes. Currently the students are signing up for the 4 pm sessions: yoga, eyeball dissection (not sure whose), crabbing, aeronautics, bird dissection, and water ecology. Tonight we will have a round robin of group challenges (which in NC lingo is called a quest.) Stay tuned for more adventures tomorrow and more pictures, I promise!

Jilly (and Tim and Jim….and Max, Max, Tucker, CJ, Gabriel, Daniel, Jack, Isaac, Arden, Rafi, Gus, Sam, Eli, Gavin, Prem, Via, Esme, Olivia, Petra, Sammy, Lilah, Lana, and Gevi)

By |2016-10-25T15:02:30-04:00October 13th, 2015|
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