Grade 5

Grade Five Update

The past month has been a very  busy one in Fifth Grade. Here’s an update on all of our adventures:

History: We’ve moved south from Mesopotamia and are now exploring the mysteries of ancient Egypt. This past week, students worked in small groups to research and design informational posters on Egyptian culture. They were able to practice essential skills of collaboration, delegation and conflict resolution. After the presentation of the posters in which the students each selected a portion of the project to present, we discussed the challenges of working in a group, and recognized a few students who emerged as leaders.

Math: We are wrapping up Chapter 4 in which we have been exploring the inverse relationship between multiplication and division. Students worked with four mathematical properties (Zero, One, Associative, Commutative) and learned to distinguish between prime and composite numbers, as well as to draw factor trees. Next, we will be investigating more complex division problems, including with double digit divisors.

English: In preparation for the middle school poetry assembly, we had a mini-unit of poetry. Students learned how label the rhyme scheme of a poem, and we identified common poetic devices such as assonance, alliteration and personification. We continue to enjoy reading Wilson Rawls’ Where the Red Fern 

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GrowsStudents are deepening their knowledge of grammar, by identifying specific parts of speech within passages, and through the weekly spelling lists.

Writer’s Workshop: We have moved into our study of the trait of Organization. Currently the students are crafting compare/contrast essays, and learning to identify and write topic sentences. This week, we explored the use of transitions and transitional phrases.


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: Our weekly advisory period is  one that we look forward to!  Over the past month, we have role-played how to call a teacher for help (and students did this for HW), and also learned how in the “olden days” people listened to music by playing records on a record player. (We listened to the Beatles’ White Album). Our class created a wooden puzzle plaque to serve as a metaphor for the bonding we did as a class in Nature’s Classrom. During MS Morning Meeting, we presented not only our plaque, but some of our favorite memories of the trip, and our slideshow as well. Recently, Fifth Grade had an engaging discussion about what kindness and compassion looks like in our BCD community, and made a list of our observations and hopes. This past Thursday, we made colorful beaded safety pins to give out to fellow BCD community members to represent that BCD is a place where everyone can be accepted, and feel safe.

Thank you for all your support this year!

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving,



By |2016-11-19T08:40:36-05:00November 19th, 2016|

Grade Five Update

After our week-long adventure to Nature’s Classroom, Fifth Grade is diving back into our academics. Here’s a peek into our studies this week:

In Math students are exploring patterns with decimals, including multiplying with decimals, estimating high and low estimates when finding the product, and multiplying money. We have been reviewing multiplying two and three-digit numbers as well. Next week, we will begin a unit on division.

In History

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, our focus has been on study skills. In preparation for their test next Wednesday on Mesopotamia, we have been creating flashcards focusing on the big ideas we’ve explored this trimester. Students are also synthesizing details from the texts and their homework assignments in order to practice composing detailed one paragraph answers. We’ve also been creating some components for our year-long ancient civilizations. To date, the students have researched their geography, created a capital city and corresponding map, and several students have begun to creating their language.

In English, we continue to do our close read of Where the Red Fern Grows, using sticky notes to mark certain passages, and highlighting others. This week, we resumed our spelling tests which focus on history vocabulary, as well as a list of commonly misspelled words in English. We are also beginning to prepare for the Middle School Poetry Assembly. Mark your calendar for Wednesday November 16 at 2 pm!

In Writer’s Workshop, we are wrapping up our study of the Ideas trait. Students used a rubric today to evaluate each others work, and provide meaningful feedback on their personal narrative stories. After, we gathered to debrief on the process and share how the feedback made the writers feel. It was also an opportunity for students to recognize their peers for helping and supporting them in the writing process.

After several weeks off, we have resumed Wednesday advisory. We have been role playing how to call a teacher with a question or for help. Students will be assigned a teacher and a night to call in order to practice this essential life skill.

Helpful Hints:

  • If you are providing treats or supplies for our Halloween party, please be sure to send them in. (We like treats, not tricks!0
  • PTR is due Wednesday November 9.
  • Scholastic book forms are coming home this week. Please turn in with your check by Tuesday. There are lots of inexpensive and great books for PTR, and we get free books for our classroom as well!

Thanks again for all your support this year!





By |2016-10-25T18:40:47-04:00October 25th, 2016|

Nature’s Classroom Day 3

Our last full day at NC is coming to a close!

Following an excellent night’s sleep, we awoke a crisp New England morning. Breakfast was Belgian (style) waffles, sausage, fruit, cereal, yogurt and Nutrigrain bars. In field group this morning, students had an ecology lesson, and   We also took some time to create thank cards and posters to present the NC staff tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, students played improv games and put skits together for tonight’s show…Thursday Night Live! They also had a choice between a meditation class on the docks with Ox or Endangered Eggs with Becca, an activity that requires students to care for eggs (or not care for them) to simulate how species become endangered.

Tonight, we plan to have a campfire with S’mores and a sing along. Should be a fun evening!

I have taken many photos, but sadly I am experiencing tech woes and cannot post them on the blog.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow at 3. Thank you for sharing your amazing children with us this week!


Jilly (and Tim)

By |2016-10-25T15:02:08-04:00October 20th, 2016|

Nature’s Classroom Day One

Greetings from Wakefield, RI! We arrived here at Nature’s Classroom aglow with the golden autumnal hues of a gorgeous sunny day!

Our first day has been a busy one. Upon arrival, we created a luggage line to unload the bus. Sleeping bags, duffels, and enough boots to fill a shoe store were transported to our cabins, along with Allison’s 3000 stuffed animals (literally) and Raoul’s amazing yo-yo toy. In the dining hall, our waitrons (table masters), Kemp and Olivia served us salad, grilled cheese, tomato soup and chips. Brenna, our resident grilled cheese connoisseur, rated these sandwiches as an “A”, and I quite agreed!

Next, off to unpack and then play some outdoor games with our group leader, Rosa. Students then had a choice of two activities–exploring the salt marsh at Judith Point or going crabbing.

Tonight, we will enjoy the famous Taco Tuesday dinner, along with a variety of team building challenges. Stay tuned for more adventures tomorrow!

Jilly (and Tim)


PS Sorry about the lack of photos. I am having some tech issues but will continue to work on it!



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By |2016-10-25T15:02:08-04:00October 18th, 2016|
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