Fifth Grade Update
Fifth Grade is well-rested and ready to gear up for our final trimester! Here’s an update on what we are up to in the Peterson Hall Penthouse!
History: We have begun an exploration of ancient Greece. We’ve been looking at Mediterranean geography, learning about the Greek alphabet and its influence on the Latin alphabet, and exploring the relationships among the Greek city states, as well as the wars between Greece and Persia. Now, that we are heading towards our civilization finale on April 28th, each student will be creating a development piece of his/her choice as a final project due on April 24. We hope you will join us on Friday, April 28 from 2:10-2:50 for the event in the gym.
Writer’s Workshop: In WW, we’ve wrapped up our study of the Word Choice trait, and are now delving into how good writers develop Sentence Fluency in their writing. In upcoming weeks, students will be writing powerful poetry and getting cozy with clauses…This week we also will be taking the standardized WrAP exam. Please be sure your student has a substantial breakfast and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you!
Math: We begin a new unit in math this week which will introduce the metric system, as well as perimeter and area of polygons. Please encourage your student to use the home math book as a resource for clarification and review. There are corresponding page numbers at the bottom of almost every homework assignment.
English: In conjunction with our study of ancient Greece, we are reading and discussing D’aulaire’s Greek Myths. Students will begin a creative project on a Greek god or goddess by the end of the week.
Please enjoy the slideshow below to see pictures of the wrapping of the chicken mummies, our trip to Kripalu, and our baking adventures prior to Spring Break.
Click here to see the slideshow
Looking forward to seeing you on April 28th!