Grade 3

Third Grade Visits Ghana

This week in the library, third graders picked up their passports and resumed their round-the-world journey in books. On Monday, students focused on Ghana, a small West African nation. We looked at pictures, viewed the flag, and learned that the word “ghana” means “warrior king” and was the title of the ancient empire which was actually called Wagadugu. Storytelling is an integral part of daily life in Ghana, and the Ananse tales are loved by Ghanians of all ages. We shared the story, Ananse and the Impossible Quest, along with beautiful pictures of embroidered folk art from the book African Tales: A Barefoot Collection, by Geina Mhlophe and Rachel Griffin. We also chuckled at a humorous West African version of Little Red Riding Hood by Niki Daly: Pretty Salma. Students noticed many similarities and differences between this version and the familiar one. We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy Reading!

By |2016-10-25T15:04:12-04:00September 25th, 2012|

Third Grade’s Magazine Walk

Did you know that the BCD library subscribes to nearly a dozen colorful and interesting magazines? Neither did the Third Grade. Today in library, we spent time exploring 6 of the favorite magazines here in the library. After a brief introduction to each magazine, where students learned the content and organization, 6 magazines were displayed in stations around the room: Odyssey, Dig, Cobblestone, Sports Illustrated Kids, Faces and Kids Discover. At each station were 3-5 different issues of the particular magazines. Students rotated among the stations, spending 3 minutes browsing at each one. At the end, the group gathered together; each student brought his/her favorite issue to share. Many students enjoyed a magazine for the first time and asked to bring them back to the classroom for further exploration.

We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Please be sure to check your home shelves for missing, overdue and lonely BCD library books. Happy Reading!

By |2012-06-04T09:23:25-04:00June 4th, 2012|

Third Graders Take the Five Alive Challenge!

Third Graders tested their literary knowledge today with a giant floor sized game of Five Alive! Teams had to select a letter from my magic bag which corresponded with a literacy-based question. Correct answers were rewarded with a checker (red or black) that could be strategically placed on the game board. Students demonstrated their knowledge of genre, book organization, library organization, reference materials and alphabetization. We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy Reading!

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By |2012-05-25T13:31:16-04:00May 25th, 2012|
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