Grade 1-2

Busy December Days in Grades 1/2

Dear Families,

The last few weeks have been very busy here in the Grade 1/2 classroom. The attached slide show will give you an idea of all that has been happening. Here are a few highlights:

*Our ocean unit in science came to a close with a presentation to the Third Graders. The class shared individual reports on various aspects of ocean life in the context of being the kids in Ms. Frizzle class from The Magic School Bus

on the Ocean Floor

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. Just this week we began our new science unit on crayons.

*In social studies our immersion in Colonial times is drawing to a close. The children have finished up their horn books and are completing their writing and drawings for their booklets “If I lived in Colonial Times”. Our first venture in candle dipping was not very successful, but we have learned from our mistakes and will be dipping candles again next week!

*Interactions with other classes have been highlights as well. The 9th graders are greeted with excitement every Wednesday when they join us for recess and lunch. Emily and Lanna are with us for lunch this semester, Fiona and Emmett will join us next semester.  The Third Grade invited us upstairs to see their Community presentations. Our Lower School Cooperation Assembly was wonderful. Pre-K, Kindergarten and Third Grade joined us here in our classroom to talk about cooperation, make a fruit salad together, share stories, and play games. The first and second graders commented on how nice it was to spend time with the younger students. Yesterday, we watched the Fifth and Sixth Grade play and found their version of Jack and the Beanstalk to be quite entertaining.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Holiday Concert tomorrow. We brought the class over to the gym lobby to see the ornaments on the Holiday Gift Drive display. We read a number of the tags and talked about how nice it is to make a difference in the lives of others. Once you have selected an ornament, please be sure to give us the gift tag # so that we can keep track of the gifts and make sure they end up going to the right person. If you are not able to come to school for this, let us know and we will go over with your child.

All the best,

Katharine and Kay

By |2016-12-08T12:46:56-05:00December 8th, 2016|

Join us on Dec.1st for ARTS NIGHT!

The BCD Arts Team is pleased to present the school’s first Arts Night on Thursday, December 1st from 3:30-530PM! Featuring artwork by Kindergarten through 9th Grade students, musical performances, and poetry readings, this festive evening will showcase our bright young artists while providing a community venue to share the creative accomplishments of our students during the fall trimester. All families and friends welcome! Refreshments will be served and the live performance set will begin at 4:00PM.

P.S. Parents – If you would like to volunteer by helping to provide refreshments for this event, please contact Ms. Sicurella at Thank you!


By |2016-11-23T16:42:11-05:00November 23rd, 2016|

Gratitude Presentation

Thanks to all of our BCD Musicians for an excellent Fall term. Special thanks to Vocal Ensemble and our Thanksgiving Soup instrumentalists. Happy Thanksgiving, and looking forward to Arts Night

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(12/1/16) and Winter Music Concert (12/9/16)!

If anyone missed Soup today, or wants to revisit the memory, here is the text from our Gratitude Presentation. As read by our fabulous 9th grade narrators:

We are blessed with many gifts, and we take this time to acknowledge and appreciate them all. As a community, we value and cherish each other. We also know that not all things in this world are fair, and there is yet much work to be done to create a better place. Perhaps, at some future point, we will have that better world. Perhaps we will achieve a peaceful society. “When true simplicity is gained, we won’t be ashamed to bow or to bend,” the Shaker hymn suggests. We asked several BCD students to share which inhibitions they might cast off in order to move closer to that ideal world.

When true simplicity is gained, we won’t be ashamed to:
“Speak up for ourself and what we believe in.”
“Do the right thing, even if everyone does something else.”
“Support a friend that needs help.”
“Believe in yourself.”
“To asks questions and take time to be unsure.”
“Play with a new friend.”
“Believe in magic.”
“Help to others that are in need.”

“We won’t be ashamed to show others we care.”
“To give to the young and old alike.”
“Work together to solve problems without fighting.”
“Enjoy God’s creations.”
“To sing together in harmony.”
“Communicate using our words instead of violence.”
“To share jokes and laugh together out loud.”
“To have peaceful and democratic resolutions of world conflicts.”
“To act differently from the norm.”
“Express our true and authentic self.”


By |2016-11-22T17:51:57-05:00November 22nd, 2016|

Grade 1-2: Quill pens and a visit to the 7th Grade Colonial Museum

Dear Parents and Families,

Just a quick check-in before Thanksgiving Break next week.

As you know, Grade 1-2 has been asked to contribute canned tomatoes for our Soup next week (would have have been great for the tin lanterns!).

I will be sending home the lanterns for your Thanksgiving tables. Votive candles work well, though hard to light. Also, look for their completed Horn Books: they did an amazing job of Colonial lettering and illustrating.

The slide show below includes shots from our visit to the 7th grade Colonial Museum, writing with quill pens, practicing for our Ocean presentation for the 3rd graders, and our students selecting items for the portfolios, choice time and another delicious lunch bunch. Thank you, Maggie and Allan!

Warmest Thanksgiving wishes to you and your families and hope to see you at Thanksgiving Soup next week!

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Katharine and Kay

By |2016-11-18T16:15:15-05:00November 18th, 2016|
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