Grade 1-2

January 2017/Penguins and Acts of Kindness

Dear Families,

January has flown by and the first and second graders have been working hard. With the start of Ski Fridays, we have made some adjustments to our daily schedule. There are many days when they no longer have choice time so that we can accomplish what needs to get done academically and socially. We are very proud of not only how they have responded to this change but how they have stepped up to the increased challenge in all areas from math to reading to writing.

In Social Studies we have used our January time to concentrate on Social Curriculum, including discussing the difference between telling and tattling as well as what makes us feel welcome or unwelcome in a new space. In addition to the class rules that we all created at the start of the year, we have added more and created a poster entitled Ways to Behave in School, in which each student illustrated and captioned their contribution(s).
We also prepared for our Lower School Assembly recognizing the theme of Courage with each student reciting a portion of Martin Luther King’s, I Have a Dream

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speech. This has become a tradition in 1st and 2nd grade, and each year I am moved watching them present it with such purpose and conviction. Some still photos are in the slideshow below, but Ms. Lindsay has a video as well and I will send that on as soon as I figure out how!
We will start our unit of study on Mexico next week.

In Science we have begun our penguin study. Each student has selected a penguin specie to learn about and to create a project to demonstrate what has been learned. We will be working on these projects here at school, so if your child comes home talking about a project there is no need to fear – these are in-school projects.

Finally, you may have noticed our Acts of Kindness board out in the coatroom. It is filling up with post-it’s of their descriptions of those small, but oh so important, acts of kindness that they experience during the day. Learning to recognize, appreciate and acknowledge them is a great way for them to increase them in their own behavior as well.

Looking forward to some sunshine in February,

Katharine and Kay

By |2017-01-27T14:06:41-05:00January 27th, 2017|

Merry Times 2016

Dear Families,

We hope the slideshow below gives you an idea of the work, learning, and fun we’ve had these last weeks of the school year 2016.

From Crayon Science, to Choice time with the 3rd graders , to a caroling visit from the vocal ensemble class we have been busy.

Please check backpacks, some are overflowing with goodies for you this holiday season.

We are about to enjoy our Holiday Party, thank you for all your contributions. We’d also like to take a moment and thank you for your wonderful children who make up this special class, it’s a pleasure to know them and teach them. Each holiday card was prepared with thought, care and creativity and I know they will be valued by all.

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By |2016-12-16T13:51:11-05:00December 16th, 2016|

Amazing (Winter Music Concert)

Weren’t they great? I am still recuperating from being blown away by our talented young musicians in grades PreK-9. From “Peace is the World Smiling,” to “White Winter Hymnal,” each student really brought their best self to the stage and to all the rehearsals before as well.


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Looking forward to seeing what our performers do at Arts Night 2, Spring Concert, Private Lessons Recitals, Arts Night 3, and LS Spring Musical in the New Year! Until then, time for us all to bundle up by our hearths and enjoy some seasonal festivities…

Thanks to each and every BCD community member, you all helped bring our 2016 Winter Concert to life. Special shout-outs to Mr. Lee and the Facilities team, Mr. Spitzer for mounting Student Art, our ebullient co-M.C. Ms. Doherty, and our creative team of parent and student Elves who helped setup the beautiful concert space last night.

Lucky me to teach these amazing young musicians. Lucky us to enjoy listening to the final product of their efforts! You can access some Audio from our Winter Concert and Arts Night performances available on SoundCloud! Thanks Ms. DelCarpine for recording.

Musically Yours,

Mr. Martin

By |2016-12-09T17:38:31-05:00December 9th, 2016|

A Message from the Art Studio…

“The arts are an essential element of education, just like reading, writing, and arithmetic…music, dance, painting, and theater are all keys that unlock profound human understanding and accomplishment.”
– William Bennett, Former US Secretary of Education


As our Lower and Middle School students shift studios for the trimester and our Upper School students settle into new Arts Block electives, we all look forward to the creative challenges, opportunities, and discoveries that lie ahead!

Mr. Katz is seeking old skis for a project with students in the Wood Shop. If you have questions or are able to contribute, please contact Mr. Katz directly:

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By |2016-12-09T04:50:48-05:00December 9th, 2016|
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