Grade 1-2

First Grade Uses Tales of Ghana to Compare and Contrast

This week in the library, first graders picked up their passports and resumed their round-the-world journey in books. On Thursday, students focused on Ghana, a small West African nation. We looked at pictures, viewed the flag, and learned that the word “ghana” means “warrior king” and was the title of the ancient empire which was actually called Wagadugu. Storytelling is an integral part of daily life in Ghana, and the Ananse tales are loved by Ghanians of all ages. We shared the story, Ananse and the Impossible Quest, along with beautiful pictures of embroidered folk art from the book African Tales: A Barefoot Collection, by Geina Mhlophe and Rachel Griffin. We also chuckled at a humorous West African version of Little Red Riding Hood by Niki Daly: Pretty Salma. Students noticed many similarities and differences between this version and the familiar one. We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy Reading!

By |2016-10-25T15:04:11-04:00September 27th, 2012|


Back To School Night begins at 6:15 in the BCD gym. There will be a short welcome and then off to the first grade classroom. Please make note of the change in time. Thanks!

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By |2013-08-07T14:08:52-04:00September 24th, 2012|

Newsletter #4

Dear Families,

On Friday we celebrated International Peace Day! The entire school gathered around the courtyard. The youngest children sang and we joined along. First graders and second graders created a large banner during our Mixer on Thursday. They held it up for all to see during the gathering. Middle school students  sang a lovely song in Latin. The gathering was short, simple, and meaningful. I was so happy to be part of the school and this event.

We have several exciting events coming up this week. Please take note.

 Monday     –     Homework will be coming home in your child’s backpack.

Tuesday    –    

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We will have our  first field trip to Hayseed Hill Orchard in Alford. We will leave school by bus at 9:15 and return in time for recess and lunch. We are learning about tools for apple picking and the technology of an apple press. This is part of our study of trees. Amy Elmore is the chaperone. Your child needs to wear long pants, socks, shoes/boots and a jacket. It can be wet in the grass in the morning.

Wednesday   –     Yom Kippur -No School

Thursday      –     Back To School Night, 6:00-8:30. I will be sharing lots of information about the curriculum, the daily schedule, and offering opportunities for you to volunteer in the classroom. There will be time for you to ask questions too.  I hope all of you are able to attend. I believe that you will be in my classroom from 6:30-7:30.

We were invited to the second grade “Poetry Cafe” last Friday. The first graders listened to each second grader stand up and recite his or her favorite poem. Your children have been working very hard at learning to listen to each other. It is part of our classroom pledge. They were an awesome audience and gave the poets their full attention. Each day brings a bit more cooperation and  community. It is wonderful to see it begin to bloom.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you again on Thursday evening!


Ms. Julie Milani





By |2016-10-25T15:04:12-04:00September 23rd, 2012|

First Grade View of the Kalahari

This month in the library, first graders have been learning about Africa. We began by learning about our library mascot, Sunny, who is a meerkat. Last week we shared several stories about meerkats and made a list of some of the characteristics of meerkats. The students noticed that meerkats have big ears to hear predators approach, long tails to help them balance, and that they always stay in groups to stay together. Last class, they also colored some pictures of meerkats, and drew some of their own as well (ninja meerkat, Barbie meerkat….). Today, we located Africa on a map and a globe, and took a closer look at the desert habitat. I showed the students a short clip on my laptop of a documentary made about the Kalahari Desert which included snakes, insects, wildebeests, giraffes, lions, eagles and of course, meerkats! Next week, we will head to the other side of Africa to visit Ghana and read a few folktales.

As usual, we concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy reading!

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By |2016-10-25T15:04:12-04:00September 20th, 2012|
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