Grade 1-2

Our Field Trip!

Our trip to the Mission House in Stockbridge was a great success. It was a beautiful, brisk day and everyone was dressed well. We were sent on a quest through Stockbridge. We discovered tools, artifacts, clothing, and photographs in the museum. Each child was given a map with clues to help with our quest. We traveled down the road to Chief Konkapot’s memorial stone, then over to the bell tower, which was originally the spot for John Sergeant’s Little Church In The Wilderness and the Meeting House. Then on to the Indian Monument, which they claim is a burial ground for the Stockbridge Native Americans. We talked about it being a sacred place and each child placed an offering on the monument. We were quiet and respectful. We looked at the Housatonic River (an Indian name) and tried to imagine corn, bean, and squash fields in the sunshine. The Stockbridge Indians now live on a reservation in Wisconsin. It was a good way to begin our study of local Native Americans.

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By |2016-10-25T15:03:32-04:00October 28th, 2013|

First Grade Travels To Mongolia!

Today in the library, First Grade took a trip to Mongolia! We were excited to host BCD friend, Sasha Sicurella, Director of the I AM Foundation, who recently returned from a trip to this distant country The I AM Foundation encourages works of self-expression for children of all ages, using a variety of media, including painting, drawing, photography and collage. Sasha generously shared pictures of her work with children who live in the Gobi Desert, as well as souvenirs from her trip. We explored self-portraits made by the children, miniature gers (yurts made out of wool that nomads live in), beautiful carved, wooden instruments, Mongolian money newspapers, artwork and toys. We also watched a slide show of Sasha’s work with the children from the town of Mandal Gobi, Mongolia.IMG_2645 IMG_2646 IMG_2647 IMG_2649 IMG_2650 IMG_2651 IMG_2652 IMG_2653 IMG_2654 IMG_2656 IMG_2657

By |2016-10-25T15:03:33-04:00October 24th, 2013|

Newsletter #3


It has been an eventful few weeks. Let’s start with our wonderful Grandparents’ Day! We performed a poem, presented our paintings of leaves, and then sang and danced a song about twirling leaves. It represented a collaboration between the Music Director, Mrs. Hilliard, and I. We wanted to integrate our study of trees with art and music. It was very well received. Then grandparents were able to come back to the classroom and look at student work, listen to their grandchild read, play a math game, and be interviewed about first grade in their experience. We will use the interviews to make books about grandparents and school. The children learn how some things in first grade are the same and some things are different. It presents as a small history lesson. The paintings that we shared are hanging in the classroom. Feel free to pop in anytime and take a look at our leaf paintings that were inspired by Georgia O”Keeffe.

The children filled the jar with pom poms and earned their ice cream sundaes! We had three kinds of ice cream, chocolate sauce, strawberries, sprinkles, gummy bears, whip cream, and a cherry on top. It was a good day. We started to fill the jar once again and this time they will earn a movie and popcorn. We have 5 pom poms in the jar. How many more do we need? We ask this each day, a very motivating math question.

We are beginning our study of addition and subtraction. We start with math stories that the children act out and then learn to interpret or solve using pictures, words, and numbers. Eventually it will be only number sentences. Once they learn the concepts and symbols we will start learning number facts. Our apple heads have lost almost 3 inches in circumference and 3 ounces in weight. Evaporation is an astonishing process for kids to understand.

We did a celery and dye experiment to learn the function of a stem. The students were able to make the connection to a tree, (stem/trunk) and witness the water being carried to the leaves. They made a drawing of our adopted tree, as well as leaf and bark rubbings.

We finished “Danny, the Champion of the World”. It was a good book and we were sorry it ended. Ask your child why Danny was considered a champion? We are now on chapter 4 of “The Fairy Rebel” . It is a fantasy with lots of wonderful fairies, elves, and of course a mean queen. I have everyone’s full attention when I read.

On Thursday we will be going to Kennedy Park, in Lenox, with the entire Lower School. We hike to the top where we play some games and have a picnic. There is a notice in your child’s book bag. They carry their own food so please make it light. They should be dressed well. It can be windy and cold at the top, but so much fun if you are well prepared. Let’s hope for another glorious fall day!

Happy Birthday to Gabrielle and Ben!

Miss Milani

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By |2013-10-15T16:05:54-04:00October 15th, 2013|

Tree Work

The children are learning the different parts of trees and their function. Bryce volunteered to be our very own tree. We observed leaves as scientists and later painted pictures of leaves in the style of Georgia O’Keeffe. Finally we measured the circumference and weight of apples that we picked at Windy Hill. I peeled and they ate the peels. They are drying and will be used for apple head dolls. Enjoy the pictures.

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By |2016-10-25T15:03:35-04:00October 6th, 2013|
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