Grade 1-2

Newsletter #7

So much has happened in the last few weeks! We finished our unit on Geometry. The children brought in boxes (rectangular prisms) wrapped in paper. They were asked to guess, using specific questions, about what was wrapped in each box. After we opened and verified the contents, the children dismantled the boxes to see the template. We learned that all 3-D prisms are made from 2-D shapes. We put the boxes back together and made one giant blue sculpture. We call it “The Polyhedra Factory”. Then the children made 3-D shapes from 2-D templates. They constructed triangular and rectangular prisms. Pyramids were a choice also.
This week we started studying fractions. Each child should know that fractions are equal pieces. During snack and lunch we discover who is eating fractions. Oranges, sandwiches, and cut apples are great for counting equal parts. Children are learning 1/2, 1/4, and 1/3. They will also be learning how to take a fraction of a set of objects. On Friday we will be celebrating Pi with the middle school. What fun!

Everyone has finished one “How To” book. We have a variety of experts in our class. We have learned how to make pizza and chocolate toast. We have learned to build snowmen and snow forts. We have learned to ski, swim, and take care of a dog. Soon each child will select one draft to edit and publish. We will make hard covers and share them with the kindergarteners.

The children earned a pom pom day last week. They had asked for choice time all day. Choice time is basically a bit of the day when the children are allowed to play with blocks, Legos, art, computers, puzzles or games. This time is fairly infrequent in our normal schedule. We started on Wednesday with choice time for the first two periods. In the end most children agreed that it was too long and that in fact they liked learning. Playing all day was too boring. It was not what they expected and I was pleasantly surprised. Their next reward is to take turns teaching the class throughout the day. That should be interesting!

I have invited the kindergarten to participate with us in the play this year. The play will be “The Lorax” by Dr. Suess. I have rewritten it as a dance drama. There are 19 parts, just perfect. We had our first reading on Thursday. Each child selected two characters that they would be interested in playing. Mrs. Patel and I will cast the show based on those requests. Some parts have lots of lines and others have very few. All the parts are important to the performance. The performance will be on May 1st. Please make a note on your calendars.

We will not be able to tap our maple tree as planned. The weather has been too cold and the sap is not yet running. It has to be 40 degrees during the day and cold at night. It may start this week but then we have vacation for two weeks. There will be no one available to collect and burn. Maybe next year.

There will be an informational meeting regarding the multiage, Grade 1-2 next year. It is Tuesday, March 11th at 6:00 in our classroom. Mrs. Allentuck and I hope to answer any questions you may have at this time. I hope you can attend. Thanks to all who were able to meet for Parent Conferences. I find them valuable and I hope you do as well.

Friday is our last ski day. Then off to vacation for 2 weeks and 1 day. We will convene again in April. When we return it will be Spring!

Happy Birthday to Bryce!

Ms. Milani

By |2016-10-25T15:03:19-04:00March 9th, 2014|

First Grade Art

This past week, on Monday, the First Grade visited the Norman Rockwell Museum. Although Norman Rockwell’s work is always of interest, our primary purpose for visiting was to look closely at how Ruth Sanderson’s illustrations tell stories and how they show what she writes in her books.

We looked closely at how Ms. Sanderson shows what an evil character vs. a good character looks like. We looked at how the people in the pictures let us know what they are doing by their gestures. We also talked about foreground and background. Now it is time for the first graders to follow her examples.

First Ms. Sanderson creates a sketch of her ideas for the book. Then she sets up models with special costumes and photographs real people to copy for her paintings. She has many steps to her paintings, but we did not go into that much detail in the discussions with the class.

In the four art classes before the March break first graders will make their own illustrations. Each will pick a scene from a favorite story or just make up a scene. I told them about this and also told them that if they had hats or costumes that they wanted to use for the models, they could bring them on Monday. THIS IS OPTIONAL.

I told them I would let you all know about this so you would know why your son or daughter might want to bring a costume to school on Monday.

By |2016-01-13T09:09:01-05:00February 28th, 2014|
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