Grade 1-2

Grade 1-2 January 28

Dear Families,

January is almost behind us and the days continue to fly by.  This week in Writers’ Workshop we have taken a hiatus from creative writing and have embarked on writing “How To” books.  The range of topics in process is fascinating, from making scrambled eggs to creating clothing for stuffed animals to feeding chickens to shooting a basketball and the list goes on.  The children have discovered that there are far more steps to doing things than they had realized.

Our map study continues in Social Studies.  The class has learned how to use coordinates on a map and have been busy locating various landmarks throughout Berkshire and Columbia Counties. Science has us furthering our knowledge of bears.  This week we studied the Brown Bears – ask your child what three continents these bears live on or which food is the main source of protein in a Brown Bear’s diet.  We also took time this week to visit our various BCD trees where each student made a crayon rubbing of their respective tree’s trunk.  Comparing and contrasting the various rubbings showed us how very different bark can be from one tree to another.

Thursday, February 4 will be our next visit to Kimball Farms.  Natacha and Sarah will be in touch regarding drivers.  A special thank you to Krithi and Twinkle for the delightful feast they prepared for our lunch bunch last week.  We have the photos to prove it – see the attached slide show!

Please, please make sure that your child comes to school each day with hats, mittens/gloves, snow pants, coats, and boots.  Although there is little snow at this time, they still need to be dressed warmly. Next week may bring warmer temperatures, so the snow pants will still be necessary to protect your child’s clothing from (gasp!) mud – something we typically do not need until March. So goes life in New England!

All the best,

Katharine and Kay

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By |2016-10-25T15:02:19-04:00January 28th, 2016|

OPEN STUDIOS is next Tuesday!

Our K-9 students have been as busy as ever in the Art Studios this winter! Grades 5 and 6 have been hand building with Mr. Evans in the Ceramics Studio while Mr. Spitzer has Kindergarten through Fourth grade students working on a variety of collaborative drawing and painting projects next door. Upper School students are sculpting in clay with Mr. Evans and painting with this trimester’s teaching artists Tom O’Neil and Maggie Mailer. We can’t wait to show parents, friends, and the BCD community what we’ve been up to on TUESDAY, MARCH 1st at our Winter Open Studios Event! Everyone is invited to swing by the studios between 4:30 – 6:30PM to see finished artworks, works-in-progress, and a few surprises. Warm up with a cup of hot cocoa and join us in celebrating the students’ hard work this trimester!


By |2016-10-25T15:02:20-04:00January 22nd, 2016|

Happy 2016!

Welcome Back and Happy New Year to all,

We got off to a terrific start once back from our winter break. We have started a new unit in Science studying the eight different species of bears; their habitats, behaviors, and where and how they they live. Our study of trees at BCD is ongoing all year. We will be observing how they change with the seasons. Some photos of our most recent visit are attached.
In Social Studies we are beginning our study of maps and globes,but have taken some time this week to discuss and learn about Martin Luther King Jr. The class is learning an excerpt from his I Have a Dream Speech speech, and as is the tradition in Lower School, we will be reciting (not memorizing) it for Lower School at a gathering in approximately 2 weeks.

Finally some snow! Please be sure to send in boots, snow pants, gloves, and a hat each day. Unless the temperatures and wind prohibit it, we go out each day at recess and we are definitely into snow pants season. If you happen to have an extra pair, it’s ideal to leave one here at school, otherwise please pack one pair each day. Children may go outside without them, but they’re not allowed to sled or do other fun things without snow pants.

Also, please remember to either call the office or email Melissa and/or us if your child is out of school for any reason. It is our expectation that when your child is at school he/she is able to participate in all school activities.

Our next lunch bunch is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19th.

The slide show is brief but includes fun memories of our last Lunch Bunch (thank you Theresa and Sarah S.), visiting our trees for early winter observations, and 2nd graders making sundials.

Thanks again to Natacha and Sarah for doing such a great job keeping us (all!) up to date on the different events each month.

We wish you a fun and relaxing extended weekend with your families.

Best, Katharine and Kay

By |2016-10-25T15:02:20-04:00January 14th, 2016|

December Activities in Grade 1-2, 2015

Stories, stories everywhere! In Writing Workshop

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we are finishing up our ‘Action figure’ stories. The main characters (many of whom can fly!) are based on the action figures that came home from Art class a few weeks back. They have beautiful covers and some have illustrations throughout. Some have dedications, some have chapters and one has even inspired a sequel! Later in the Winter you will be invited to a Author’s Tea where your child will share a favorite story with classmates and parents.

In Social Studies we are concentrating on the theme of Peace. We have shared with each other where that special spot is where we can go to find peace when we are upset. Some spots are outside in nature and some are right in our own rooms. Our Peaceful Place stories have just gone from brainstorming to our first drafts. We are having another visit to Kimball Farms next Tuesday afternoon with the 9th graders for some caroling and giving the gift of the time lines the students have made of the important events in the lives of the residents they have met there.

The Book Fair has finished up and thank you all again for your support of the Fair. It really did a lot to further inspire and excite our burgeoning readers.

The Holiday Gift Drive is also finishing up. As you know, volunteers from the PA will be in Albright to receive your wrapped gifts this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.

We look forward to seeing you if you are able to attend this year’s Holiday Concert on Friday & just to keep things really hopping we have a Pizza Friday too!

Wishing you some lovely family time with the warm weather predicted for the weekend.

Best, Katharine and Kay

By |2016-05-04T07:45:38-04:00December 9th, 2015|
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