
Reggio Magic: Open-Ended Playthings


Something old: Last week, I put a new invitation out on a table: freshly made lavender-scented play dough and familiar tools —  our play dough scissors and small kitchen knives.

Something new: A basket of shiny glass stones, and a basket of small assorted stones from outside.

All week the children played with them, enchanted by the feel of the stones — smooth and rough, shiny and dull, of different weights. They pressed them into the playdough, hid them in the dough, stacked layer of stones and dough, each child calmed by the lavender, and absorbed in a little world of their own making.

Over the week we saw ice cream, burgers, snowmen, islands, an apple, Mickey Mouse, a house, a road, snakes, a rock castle, a cake. As they played, they talked about their creations; their hands squeezed, rolled, cut, and pinched; they became more familiar with scissors; they talked about colors; they shared stones and tools; they started to notice one another’s creations and became inspired to do more.

Once again, for the millionth time, I fell in love with open-ended playthings.

Open-ended materials for young children are materials without a pre-determined script. They can be used and manipulated in many ways, limited only by the children’s imagination. Not only do children practice motor, language, and social skills with them, but they also encourage imaginative play. Imaginative play — the cornerstone, the essence, and the driving force of young children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Watching the children so enraptured by the play dough and stone combination, I thought it might be fun to choose another familiar classroom open-ended material and reflect on its many uses.


One of the most important objects in our classroom is our basket of brightly colored silk scarves. How does a simple silk scarf make its way through the school day of our two- and three-year-olds?


Under the scarf, we hide ourselves, toy animals and little people, a drum, a block, a ball! Even more fun, we hide each other!


We dance, parade, wiggle, and shake. We wave the scarves high and spin them around us. We run across the gym with them, flying like the wind!


We use it as a blanket for ourselves–and for our babies!


We hide UNDER it. We pass it THROUGH our legs. We drape it OVER us. We sit ON it. We wave it AROUND us. We wave it ABOVE us. We put them IN the basket.


We look through it and see the world tinted in color.


On a picnic!  (the scarf is our blanket) To the beach! (the scarf is our towel) To the store! (the scarf is our coat) To the rescue! (the scarf is our cape).


We use the scarves to swaddle them, and to lay over them on their beds.



When we wave them hard, they make a little “snap.” When we cover the big drum with them, they muffle the drum beat.


They flutter over our faces and our arms. They feel soft on our skin.


Sometimes while wearing their scarves, the children go about their business, cooking in the play kitchen, drawing, or playing in the dollhouse.

At these times, the scarves are like Superman’s transforming cape, empowering the children with greater focus and imagination, and enabling their young brains to soar!


By |2018-02-23T06:21:28-05:00February 23rd, 2018|


As a PreK teacher I hear the word “why” all day, every day. “Why do snail eggs stick to the glass? Why are those clouds flat? Why do birds talk to each other? Why did that tree fall?” Not only do the children ask me “why,” but so do parents, colleagues, and people I meet in the community.

So what is the most asked question by grown-ups… “Why do you like teaching PreK?”

Here’s my story: Like many people, as a child, I neither loved nor hated school– I liked school. While it was just something I did every day, there were certain highlights and specific outstanding teachers that stand out in my memory. I graduated high school and went on to college. Once I received my B.A. in Communications, I was convinced I would never go to school again. I began working at a small private school in New York City as an after school teacher, then the next year as an assistant teacher in a second grade classroom. Several of the other assistant teachers were attending Bank Street graduate school. I was curious and signed up for a class—just one. I was hooked! I applied to be a full time student and loved every minute of the program, which, not surprisingly, aligns with BCD’s Reggio Emilia approach of exploration and discovery.

My goal as a teacher to make my students love learning and be excited to come to school. And that their love of learning continues throughout their lives.


I love teaching. As a teacher you continually learn and grow each day. You learn new strategies, ideas, and skills. You get to collaborate with your colleagues, and they hold the same hopes and desires for their students. You learn a lot about yourself, not only as a teacher but as a person.

So that’s teaching. Why PreK? Why this age? PreK is special because three-, four-, and five-year-olds see the world in a different light than adults. They see the world with excitement; everything is new and fresh. It is energizing to see the children discover unfamiliar things, learn from each other, connect the dots to figure out solutions. What they are doing in our class lays some of the earliest building blocks for all the classes that will come after and for how they will live their lives. Oh, and they surprise me. Every. Single. Day.

In a nutshell, I love that my work has a purpose. I get the opportunity to touch the lives of my students and contribute to making their future one that is bright and productive. My goal as a teacher to inspire my students to love learning and be excited to come to school. And ensure that their love of learning continues throughout their lives. These are the things that I remember about those exceptional teachers that I had who made an impact on me as a student, and I’m honored to carry that on to the next generation.

By |2019-01-10T11:30:11-05:00February 1st, 2018|

Creating a Community of Two-Year-Olds

What does a veteran elementary and early education teacher do over Winter Break?

  1. Fly to Ireland for the very first time to spend eight days exploring the Emerald Isle
  2. Pack one book: Do Parents Matter? by Robert LeVine and Sarah LeVine
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I reveled in Ireland’s beauty and history, and its friendly and gracious people – truly, every shopkeeper and pub waiter, every bus driver and ticket-taker, had a smile and friendly word, and often a story or two to make us laugh.

And I also read the book!

The LeVines, respectively a professor of education and human development and an anthropologist, have spent a lifetime studying child-rearing practices in diverse cultures across our globe. In general, they have found that children can be happy and healthy in a wide range of conditions, and guided by a wide range of parenting practices.

In my new professional challenge as a teacher of two-year-olds, this book was most helpful to me by opening my eyes further to this point: “The behavior of toddlers in highly responsive to their parents’ priorities.” How do we use a Reggio-inspired philosophy to bring cohesion to this diverse group? How do our school priorities influence the behavior of these young children entrusted to our care?

As I traveled around Ireland, I thought about how Irish children observe and hear, from infancy, the adults in their lives engaging with strangers with politeness, humor, and friendliness. They also attend schools financed by the government and managed by the Church, with all of its attendant values. They share a strong and clear historical identity.

Before heading to Ireland, as I reflected on my first months of life with our B2 classroom, I felt truly in awe of how strongly the children had become a community. They announce the arrival of their classmates with gusto, greet each another with a hug or at least a smile, notice when somebody is sad, and offer a truck or an animal to share.

In October, when I first observed a group of them engaged in interactive play, initiated on their own, I was amazed. “This is not typical two-year-old behavior,” I thought. But then I observed it more and more – in pairs and in small groups, the children were “cooking” together, hiding together, driving to the beach together, coordinating their movements as they ran with a hoop, assigning family roles, and on and on.

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I thought, “Given the opportunity and the encouragement, two-year-olds are capable of so much!”

I was struck by how quickly the children’s sense of class community developed, even at this young age. I asked myself, “What have we done in this brand new Program for Two-Year-Olds that has promoted this community spirit? How have we conveyed our priority of ‘Community’ to these very young children?”

We arrange the day’s routines and the environment to support opportunities for cooperative play. A round table is regularly covered with communal paper, where the children gather and experiment together with paints and other art materials. A comfy floor cushion is large enough for four children to sit together with books. A dollhouse sits on a table where children can access it from both sides, and play opposite each other. Percussion instruments are usually used on a round rug, which encourages circle movement and communal drumming.

Over the first weeks of school we ventured out on daily walks around our campus. These walks had no purpose other than for everybody to explore their new environment together. The children gradually learned to travel as a group. The quick ones had to wait for the slower ones. The ones who loved to wander learned to come when called. When somebody fell, the others noticed and announced it with concern. When one child discovered something fun or interesting – a pile of leaves, a bench to climb on, a fence with holes – classmates gathered.                                                    

It’s not always easy – to wait, to share, to disagree. But through hours of shared experiences, and with encouragement to be caring, friendly, and inclusive, these two-year-olds have often pushed past the comfortable realm of “parallel play” and into the often messy but rewarding experience of group play and teamwork.


Just as the Irish children absorb their cultural heritage of helpful and gracious hospitality, our two-year-old children have made a strong start in absorbing BCD’s priority of a supportive community.


By |2018-01-11T13:21:27-05:00January 11th, 2018|

The Language of Art

Children use a hundred languages to express themselves, I won’t name them all, art is one of those ways.

Art in a Reggio-inspired classroom allows children a safe space to explore and develop, where they can share their interests, what they are curious about, and what excites them. Each student is celebrated for who they are and how they express that with the world around them. As teachers, we learn about what is important and central to them by listening and observing their growth. The atelier, the art studio, plays an important role in enhancing the community and guiding us to notice what the children’s interests are.

Since the very beginning of the school year, the PreK class has shown a love for creating art projects. We have taken this interest and set out art provocations. A provocation is simply a way to inspire a child’s creativity and activate their engagement. It may be to provoke an idea, a project, a thought, or interest. We set out art supplies that have NOT included a paintbrush. These things have included balloons and trays of paint, clothespins with pom-poms, cotton balls or other objects, a spray bottle of paint and items we collected in nature, and cups filled with soap, paint, and a straw to name a few. We have asked questions like “Can you paint without a paintbrush?” or “Can you use nature to make art?” We ask these questions to expand how they think of art and the art process. It’s not about the final product but the process of how they got to the final product. We hear things like “Look! I made green!” and “The balloon makes swirly circles,” or “Can I paint with a rock? Oh, look! I can! What else can I paint with?”

On top of expanding their views of art and how different art can be made, we incorporate science, math, literacy, and growing our sense of community. I am most proud of how the class has really become a tight-knit community of children who truly care about each other. It may be seen when an older student helps a younger classmate figure out how to hang their paper on the painting easel or when one child helps another child push up their sleeves when their hands are covered in paint.

I can’t wait to see what the PreK class comes up with next! It is always an adventure!

By |2019-01-10T11:30:11-05:00December 5th, 2017|
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