
Mark your calendars! Year-end Details

Dear Parents,

I write to share information about the end of the year and some of the special events that your children will be participating in.  Please review the following information carefully and be in touch with me if you have any questions.

Spring Fling is coming up on the week of May 18 – 22. The Student Council is hosting a Spirit Week! Please see your child’s schedule depending on his or her division.

Preschool – Grade 3:
Monday:         Superhero Day – Dress up as your favorite superhero
Tuesday:         Hat day – Wear a favorite or crazy hat
Wednesday:    Animal Day – Wear a tee-shirt with an animal on it
Thursday:       Blue and White Day – Show your BCD spirit and dress in our colors
Friday:            Spring Fling – Break the dress code (within reason)

Grade 4 – Grade 9:
Monday:         Superhero Day – Dress up as your favorite superhero
Tuesday:         Pajama Day – Wear your favorite PJs
Wednesday:    Twin/Multiples Day – Coordinate with friends
Thursday:       Blackout Day – Wear only black
Friday:            Spring Fling – Break the dress code (within reason)
The Middle and Upper School have a pancake lunch today- no need to pack lunches

Field & Fun Day is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27 with a rain date of Thursday, May 28.  All BCD students are expected to attend this annual event.  Preschool and lower school students will participate in outdoor activities throughout the day, so please make sure to apply sunscreen in the morning and send more in with your child. Middle and upper school students wear blue/white sports clothes for Field Day. They will be given Blue team or White team shirts and will compete in individual and team track and field events. Sunscreen is a must for these events.  Following a barbeque lunch (no need to pack one for the day), students will have fun on our Slip and Slide. Students should bring a bathing suit and towel for this activity! Throughout the day, snow cones, fruit, and other treats will be served.

 Upper School Exams will be given Monday, June 1 – Friday, June 5. Students will take one exam per day, from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. The rest of the day, they will go to classes as usual and there is an afternoon activity planned most days to help relieve stress and have some fun. If your child is eligible for extended time, those students will begin their exams with their classmates and continue working on their exams if they need more time at the end of the exam.
Exam Schedule '15Closing Assembly and All-School Picnic at 11:30 on Friday, June 5

  • 11:30 am     End-of-the-Year Assembly
  • Parents are invited to join students and faculty in Fitzpatrick Hall to bring closure to the year by saying a multitude of “thank yous” to class parents and special friends who have helped make the year so grand. It is also a time to say goodbye to faculty who are leaving BCD, as well as an opportunity to recognize the tremendous leadership of the graduating class.

  • 12:00 pm    All-School Picnic 
  • Immediately following the assembly, everyone is invited to stay for an informal picnic celebration in the courtyard.

  • 1:00 pm     Summer officially begins!
  • Buses leave at 1:00 and there are no after-school programs, including no PM or Study Hall.

    Later that evening…
    It is the tradition of the Seventh Grade to host an End-of-the-Year Dance in honor of the eighth and ninth graders.  Sixth graders are invited to attend as their first event as upper school students.  This year’s dance is semi-formal. It will take place in Fitzpatrick Hall from 7:30 – 10:00 p.m.
    The Awards and Graduation Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 10 from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. in Fitzpatrick Hall.  All seventh, eighth, and ninth graders are required to attend this special event. All upper school students should arrive at 3:30 p.m. and report to their homeroom for photos.  Boys should wear a jacket and tie, nice long pants, and shoes.  Girls should wear a nice dress or skirt.

    Girls in the graduating ninth grade class should wear a white or pastel dress.

    Please be in touch if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you soon.



By |2019-01-10T12:08:22-05:00May 12th, 2015|

Upcoming Music Concerts


MS and US Spring Music Concert

Friday, May 15th, 1:30-3:00 PM, Fitzpatrick Hall

Middle School Chorus, Middle School Band, Upper School Band, US Vocal Ensemble


Lower School Music Concert

Friday, May 29th, 1:30 PM, Furey Hall

Lower School Chorus

Kindergarten Children

By |2015-05-11T11:24:51-04:00May 11th, 2015|

April Happenings and More!

Thank you, parents, for nurturing and nourishing us during Teacher Appreciation Week. We did feel appreciated, and loved. Your sweet gestures, the flowers, and the special breakfast and meals were all beautifully presented, heartwarming and delicious.

snack at the pond

snack at the pond

We apologize for being off the grid for a couple of weeks (due to computer issues at home.) Much has gone on! We are well into our investigations into the signs of spring, trees, our seeds, and literature; we are building our growing “feelings” vocabulary to understand ourselves and others better; and we are continuing our relationship building with others in our BCD community.

Eric Carle author study

Eric Carle author study

Encouraging children to question is a way to nourish their curious minds. In traditional teacher-centered learning a teacher tells students what something is and what will happen. Teachers ask the questions which students answer. In student-centered learning students discover for themselves by hypothesizing, opening their minds to possibilities, and observing and analyzing outcomes. At BCD we encourage students’ questions. We model question strategies and provide the structure for their inquiring minds to grow. Nurturing these habits in preschool helps to build the foundation for lifetime learning.

observations from our nature walks

science observations

Your children asked lots of questions in the past weeks, mostly relating to our investigations of seeds and how plants grow. We have prepared the soil, observed, discussed, hypothesized and planted our bean seeds, and observed and charted their growth. We revisited our KWL (what we know, what we want to know and what we have learned.) about seeds, trees, flowers and birds. This has given structure to our thinking and has provided opportunities for questioning and further investigation. In learning about the parts of a plant and how they are nourished and grow we began with roots. We conducted a celery experiment, placing a stalk of celery in a glass of water with red food coloring. We observed beans sprout roots in paper towels, too, and we split flower stems to see their insides. We have pressed flowers and examined bird nests, too.

celery experiment

celery experiment

studying our beans

studying our beans

Your children had many questions and hypotheses relating to what might happen and why, and have loved checking the celery and repeating the experiment. It was exciting to see that many of their predictions were right. This led to further discussions about roots, stems of plants and trunks of trees, including an investigation (under a magnifying glass) of tree rings. This kind of careful observation is another mindful habit we are working on.

celery observations

celery observations

Over the last 6 weeks during our nature walks each child has chosen something to pay particular attention to – green leaves, animals tracks, flowers, nests, and so on. They are observing how things change over time. They also bring things inside to observe more closely. They write their observations from their walks in their science journals. Some write a question they have. Many bring things inside, such as a flower or a leaf, to sketch in their journals. They are learning how things change over time, how weather affects growing, and how to observe things closely. They are also learning to record their observations and to collect data.

on a nature walk

on a nature walk

Everything your children do is interrelated. Science studies involve writing and communicating, math (counting, comparing, subtracting,) art and social skills. Being outside and learning in nature is a natural mood enhancer, as well, and we have happy, engaged and curious children!

Reading for information is less student-centered, but is also a powerful way for children to learn about their world. Our stories about seeds and plants help children to build on their knowledge. One of these, Oh, Say Can You Seed? is part of the Cat in the Hat series, telling the story of plant growth with whimsical rhythms and rhymes. Rhyming stories also develop phonetic awareness, a pre-reading skill.

We read for information and for guidance as we explore nature. Every day we read about trees, plants, spring, animals and the weather. Our latest book The Listening Walk is showing us how to observe sounds as we take our walks outside. This past week CJ shared The Lorax by Dr. Seuss which helps build empathy for our earth by showing us the consequences of our actions (all while being entertaining and filled with whimsical rhymes!) This led your children to want to make Lorax style creations. What fun!

lunch bunch

lunch bunch

Reading opens our minds to multiple perspectives, gives voice to feelings, helps us to sequence events and understand concepts. Our investigation of Eric Carle’s books have done that and so much more for us! Little Cloud is about transformative thinking, going from what moving clouds become (a sheep? an airplane?) to what clouds really do (make rain.) The Grouchy Ladybug

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led us to discussions about feelings and a time we were grouchy or something we are clumsy about and want to improve. Mr. Seahorse helped us understand that there are unexpected, different roles that family members play. Pancakes, Pancakes! helped us sequence all the steps needed to gather the ingredients and prepare pancakes. All of Carle’s illustrations are happy, whimsical and inviting. His books have helped us learn, reflect and just plain feel good! We took a wonderful excursion to the Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center to see some of the Carle stories we have read come to life. The performances were yet another way to experience these timeless tales through different lenses. Thank you, Jenny, Noelle’s mom and Amanda, Abigail’s, mom, for helping out on this trip. Coincidentally, Derek, Noel’s dad, made us pancakes, eggs and fruit salad for a Breakfast for Lunch treat!

In addition to questions and literature, this post is also about relationships, another key component to our PreK classroom. We continue to strengthen our connections to our 9th grade lunch buddies and our 3rd grade reading buddies. One of the many things these buddies do is to model caring and helpful behavior. This has served our children well, as they, in turn, have been caring and helpful to our many visitors. We also enjoyed the sense of community at some all-school assemblies – one with YoYo Man! and another from Berkshire Theatre Group. And we realize that others care enough to do thoughtful things for us such as Sonya’s mom bringing in yummy cookies. Giving back we worked on a school-wide video project for the auction, as well. Each child came up with 3 words to describe his/her experience at BCD.

We also learned more of the world around us in the Berkshires and enjoyed a lovely excursion to Hancock Shaker Village where we met farm animals. We were able to pet and hold them, and also went to the hands-on discovery area for crafts. Thank you to the following parents who helped out on this trip: Aidan’s dad Geoff, CJ’s mom Natalie, Noelle’s dad Derek, and Nicolette’s dad Chris.

Another important part of relationship building is in developing confidence. One of the ways we do this is with our Star of the Week. Our recent stars have been Aidan, Nicolette, Neha and CJ. We love the everyday toys, books, dolls and games that the children bring in to share. These have special meaning and help your children practice speaking to a group. Aidan shared a toy truck, a video of when he was small, a toy his nanny made for him and stickers from his lego book. He also shared his dad who read some stories to us! Nicolette share some special toys and dolls. Neha shared some wonderful family photos and a book. CJ shared some wonderful books, a fire bird he made, and some other toys.

For those of you viewing this blog on your iphone or ipad, you can view the pictures here:

By |2019-01-10T12:08:23-05:00May 10th, 2015|


Join us on Thursday, May 14, between 5:00 and 7:00 pm, for the spring trimester’s Open Studios event! Arts faculty and students will be present to lead families and friends through the Furey Hall Art Studios to view and talk about finished artworks and works-in-progress. See demonstrations by Upper School students, take the potter’s wheel for a spin, and add your mark to the “Scrawl Wall”! Refreshments will be served.




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