Observational drawing is one of the many ways that young children learn. It is a complex, multi-step process that promotes mindful thinking habits, behaviors, and skills. As your children worked on their bird drawings they learned about their chosen bird; learned to plan, execute, and complete a project; made choices about what media to use; developed small motor skills; developed observational skills; and reflected on specific birds by saying 3 things they want to know about their birds. They also labeled the parts of their bird. Integrated learning develops multiple pathways and connections with literacy and communication, scientific inquiry, and self-confidence. Observational drawing promotes learning about something as well as learning how to learn.

sketching our birds

sketching our birds

sketching our birds

sketching our birds

labeling our birds

labeling our birds

Your children’s bird choices thus far are: Sophie and Angeliz – Cardinal; CJ – Chickadee; Sonya – Tufted Titmouse; Aidan – Bald Eagle; Noelle – Blue Heron; Neha and Abigail – Blue Jay; and Isabelle – Savannah Sparrow. What they want to know includes: What do they eat? Where do they live? Where do they make their nest? Why do they have hair? Do they lay eggs? What kind of weather do they like?

We love their curious minds and clear focus!

Isabelle continued as Star of the Week, and brought in pictures to share. It was fun to see a photo of her painting their chicken coop at home and one being silly!

Abigail was also our Star of the Week. She shared a book (my little pony) and some doctor toys that she enjoys. She also brought in a picture she colored of her family. We love getting to know our stars even more!


Chris Buono has shared some photos from the holiday party. Thank you!                             https://www.flickr.com/photos/bcdtech/sets/72157649929048630

For those of you viewing this blog on your iphone or ipad, you can view the pictures here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bcdtech/sets/72157647254977052/