What a fun filled two weeks!

PreK started working on their habitats. Each child is focusing on a different animal. Grace and Maximus are doing penguins, CJ a snow leopard, Chase a jaguar, Jetty a mole, Troy a polar bear, Nicolette a cat, and Sophie a frog. We started our project by painting the background, the sky! It was very, very hard to stop working and wait for the paint to dry to start planning the next step. The class also started looking at books about their animals, and friend’s animals.

Miriam came in last week and made play dough with us! We mixed flour, salt, cream of tartar, hot water and packets of KoolAid to make our play dough. It was not only fun to play with, it smelled delicious too. (Thank you, Miriam!).

We also juiced two whole bags of lemons to soak to begin our apple dolls. First we juiced the lemons then added a tablespoon of salt. Then Ms. S peeled 8 apples. Each child choose an apple and decided when its eyes, nose and mouth should go. Once all the apples were peeled and craved they each took a 30 minute soak in our lemon juice solution. The first day the apple heads didn’t change. We check them every day. It has been a few days and they are beginning to get a little “smushy.” We will continue to observe them until they dry.

We went on a few nature walks to the “frog bridge,” the creek and the pond. One rainy day we saved 6 Red Efts from being trampled on the sidewalk heading to the gym! At the pond we found some burnt wood. At first the children were unsure what it was. After some discussion, observation and touching they realized it was wood from a fire. Did you know we can DRAW with it?

The children are also very curious about the alphabet. We started using blocks to make letters and sand to trace letters. A few students also took out sandpaper alphabet cards and worked together to but them in order.

We have a field trip to the Neubert’s farm on Tuesday, Temple and Diana will be joining us.

Wednesday is a dress up day for pictures.

Grandparents and Special Friends Day on Friday with an early dismissal