Building a Strong Foundation for Secondary School
Our Middle School students are engaged in a program of academic study which emphasizes broad exposure to each subject while systematically providing the basic skills for high school and beyond. Teachers use a variety of approaches in the classroom that encourage creativity, collaborative work, and problem solving. Students benefit from small class sizes that allow teachers to meet students at their level and challenge them to grow academically and personally. Students take a range of academic classes, including Humanities instruction incorporating English and history, mathematics, science, and French. In addition, Middle School students are engaged in offerings from the Imagination Lab and STEAM program, Outdoor Learning, physical education, the arts (including instrumental music instruction and band), woodworking, service learning and civics engagement.
With an enthusiastic emphasis on experiential learning, BCD is proud to offer a variety of hands-on, immersive experiences for our Middle School students each year. Each opportunity broadens the students’ understanding of themselves, their community, and the greater world around them.
- Quebec trip to practice French skills
- Close-Up Washington DC to explore the role of civics
- Imagination Lab Design Challenge
- Community Service
- Speaker Series
- Interscholastic Sports
- The Middle School Group Project
Department Faculty