Preschool and Kindergarten students recently shared a wonderful Buddhist inspired story by Japanese educator and peacebuilder, Daisaku Ikeda. The Snow Country Prince
is a simple tale about hope and compassion. According to the author’s website, “The Snow Country Prince relates the story of a young boy and his sister in a fishing village in the snow country who care for an injured swan through the harsh winter, while their sick father is being treated at a distant hospital. The Snow Country Prince visits the children and teaches them that whatever happens, they must never give up, never stop trying. Through patiently caring for the swan, the children awaken their compassionate spirit as well as a strong hope for their father’s recovery. As the swan regains its strength, the children record its progress in drawings to encourage their father in the hospital. He, too, recovers and the family is finally reunited at the end of the long winter.” With beautiful illustrations by Brian Wildsmith, The Snow Country Prince is a story that appeals to children and adults of all ages. We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy Reading!