In November we learn about the Wampanoags, the Native American tribe that lived in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.  Our classroom has a good selection of books that we use as a springboard for discussion, and we also try our hand at two of their art forms, weaving and pottery.  We also learn about the Pilgrims – who they were, why they left England, and what they hoped to find in America.  In one student’s words, “They left because they wanted to think their own thoughts and the King of England wanted them to think his thoughts instead.”  The children have had lots of questions about the interaction of these two different groups of people. Luckily for our curriculum, they had a cooperative and peaceful co-existance (at least initially!)  Their example of working together dovetailed perfectly into two recent events, the PS/LS cooperative gathering and PS & K’s annual Friendship Lunch.  For the first, PS-Grade 3 students gathered in the 1-2 classroom to create a huge fruit salad together.  Bigger students helped younger ones cut fruit.  All definitely enjoyed eating the results.


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Friendship Lunch was another example of children cooperating together.  Earlier in the week, PS and K listened to the classic story, Stone Soup, and then the children made cornbread, homemade butter, and place mats in preparation for our lunch on Wednesday.  Adults cooperated too, by preparing the meal together, serving, and then cleaning up (huge thanks-yous go to two PS and one K mom, Heather, Carrie and Natacha!)


Making place mats


Shaking cream to make butter

Shaking cream to make butter


Making cornbread – yum!











Enjoying our meal together

Enjoying our meal together










About a month ago, Mr. Lindenmaier asked the kindergarten if they would present some poems at Thanksgiving Soup.  If you’re planning to be there helping with Soup on Tuesday, you’ll have the pleasure of seeing the class present three poems.  What an honor!

And speaking of Thanksgiving, I hope yours is filled with the warmth of family and delicious food!
