Finding the Common Ground between Shakespeare and Kindergarten
Yesterday, Kindergarten happened upon me wandering outside dressed in Elizabethan garb. Ms. Smith brought the class over, and I shared the poem, “If You See a Fairy Ring” with them. Today, we talked about Shakespeare, who celebrated a birthday last Sunday, and who many consider to be the greatest writer of the English language. We learned that people in Shakespeare’s time spoke a different form of English, and judging from the pictures in the library, they looked pretty different, too. Next we read the story, Romeo the Rhino’s Rocky Romance a children’s version of Romeo and Juliet by Michael Ulick that uses tension between rhinos and ostriches to show how even though we are all different, together we make the world a more interesting place. Lastly, we played Common Ground, a Responsive Classroom game which allows kids to compare and contrast aspects of ourselves with others. We concluded with book browsing and checkout. Happy Reading!