Busy times 11/22/11
Wow! There hasn’t been a moment to stop.
We had a great trip to the Dakota restaurant and a wonderful tour. Some of the most beautiful things we saw included a beaded white deerskin wedding dress and a birchbark canoe. Many children were also taken with the porcupine quill headdress, the assortment of pottery from different tribes, and the skull crackers. They asked good questions and we all had a great time.
Third Grade invited us to see their dioramas of Berkshire County. Each student had chosen a local place of interest, researched its history and made a diorama. They told each of us the history of their place and answered our questions, and did a great job. Thank you, Mrs. Romano and the third grade!
Our Friendship Lunch with PreK was a huge success. Together the children made homemade butter, placemats, and cookies. We enjoyed delicious spaghetti and meatballs and excellent conversation with our Preschool friends.
We celebrated Jaidev’s school birthday this week. Elise and Arup and came to the classroom, and Arup read a great version of an Anansi the Spider story. Jaidev played three short minuets on his violin for us – how wonderful it was to hear him play!! And at lunch, delicious brownies. Thank you, Elise and Arup, for coming in and making Jaidev’s birthday so special.
This morning, we gathered with PreK through Third Grade for our assembly on cooperation. Each class presented their culminating project, which ranged from original songs to plays to artwork. It was a great event and each class really did a wonderful job. Our next overarching theme in “Courage”, and so our conversations for the next few months will revolve around that.
Thanksgiving Soup was another wonderful event. All students as well as alumni gathered in Fitzpatrick Hall for this beloved Thanksgiving tradition. It was a good end to a busy week. I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. See you on Monday!